
Published on February 28th, 2013


Return from Laos: Sneak-Peek


Yes indeed, I HEART Laos!

I’m now back from the Land of a Million Elephants (though I personally saw but a mere 64 – more on that to come…) and I’m busily wading through the 1,546 photos of my 2 week Laos odyssey.

Furthermore, I start teaching again (after more than 6 months of decadent footloose and fancy-free here – it’s jolly-well about time I set nose-back-to-EFL-grindstone) on Saturday, so this will have to be just a quick sneak-peek at but a smidge of my (many) Laos adventures.

Much more to come in the coming weeks, but suffice the Elephant Festival was totally awesome, and I utterly HEART Laos!

(Click on any of the thumbnails to start the slide show…)

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Daniel McBane

The chicken feet……whenever I ordered from a menu I couldn’t read, like in China, I’d always cross my fingers and hope I don’t and up staring at a plate of chicken feet or beaks or whatever. It happened far too often…


I hear ya, Daniel. g-knows w/o pictures on the menu, one is surely asking for trouble even here in Vietnam.

I’d seen the chicken feet all over Vietnam, and finally bit-bullet and ordered a pair in Laos just to see what I’d been missing – NOT! But beaks, you say? Uh, not sure I could even nibble on that.


Didn’t you just adore Laos? You really made the most of your time there! I somehow missed out on the Blue Lagoon and that sinful dessert – shame on me!


That I do cosmoH (adore Laos), and I only explored but a bit of the north of it. I definitely will return to Laos one day soon. And yes, my dinner at the Blue Lagoon was to fantastic – I’ll be writing a post on it soon.

Forward House

We miss you.Take care .


Well hey there – thanks for stopping by. I miss you too. I ADORE the Forward House there in Chiang Mai, and you were so kind and helpful on my little recon trip there.

As you can see – though it was a very tough decision, I’ve opted to stay here in Vietnam a bit longer and give Dalat a go. But something tells me that one day I may well join the expats there in Chiang Mai for awhile, so I look “forward” (pun intended) to seeing you again!


I’m glad to see you’re exporting puns to the far corners of the globe.

And I look forward to many more photos!


Ah yes Paul, leave it to you to catch the “sublime” pun – I wondered if anyone would notice it. 😉

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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