
Published on May 8th, 2011


Random Photo Memory: Mothers Come in Many Flavors

As a mother of two myself, I know well both the supreme joy, and the years of hard work that comes as a package with motherhood.  So on this Mother’s Day, I thought a nod to the mothers I’ve met in my travels might be appropriate.

Mothers come in many different flavors, but we all have one thing in common: our unconditional love and pride in our children.Both of these qualities are clearly evident in the Akha Hill Tribe mother pictured here.  Her face is beaming with pride and pleasure in her two little babes clinging to sides.

Just another example of how all the peoples of the earth are in essence, the same.  Though we may dress differently, speak different dialects, eat different foods, and even smoke cigars – as mothers, we are one.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the motherly lasses, young and old, all over the globe!

(And a special shout-out to my own dear Mom who’s still with me in spirit, looking down from the heavens at what her crazy baby daughter is up to now!)

Mothers come in many flavors

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

    And in that spirit, after years of running my own adventure travel company, and flitting off to far-away places every chance I got… Read more about me…

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