Published on July 14th, 2011


TravelnLass Wooo-HOOO Alert!

A great big ol’ Woo-HOOO!!! here today ‘cuz… I had an hour-long telephone interview last night with a CELTA lass (in Vietnam) and…

I woke this morning to a CELTA ACCEPTANCE LETTER in my email!

That does it.  It’s now official – I’ve been accepted into the November 14th CELTA course in Saigon – yippeeee!

Of course as I said, I don’t HAVE to have a CELTA to pursue my dream of living/teaching in Southeast Asia, but no doubt it will help me a lot (teach me how to be a teacher for starters!) and give me the confidence to go anywhere I please and teach English.  Even if I end up teaching at a school only part-time (my druthers) else just dabble in some private tutoring – the CELTA is a great credential, and I’m very excited about the course.

After speaking with the CELTA lass last night (8pm Wed. Seattle time / 10 am Thurs. Vietnam time), as well as reading the details now provided on the day-to-day schedule/tasks of the month-long course, I’m even more impressed (read: terrified of) the intensity of the course.  As if the 11 pages of grammar conundrums in the application weren’t enough – there’s now  another “Pre-course Task” to complete that’s… no less than *50* new tasks!

Good grief!  What have I gotten myself into???

Ah but I’m thrilled to have been accepted, and I look eagerly forward to the challenge of starting a wholly new career as an EFL Teach, and living/exploring Southeast Asia.

Note that I’d originally asked for a slot on the October 10th course, but suddenly panicked last night (th-th-that’s little more than 3 months off, and I still have sooooo much to wrap up here- yikes!) and asked for the November 14th course instead.  So will likely leave here around November 7th to allow time to settle in before starting the course.

Special thanks to Ruth (at Ruth in Asia) and Lisa (at Chicky Bus) for their private tips and encouragement on the CELTA.  It meant a lot to me ‘cuz both these lasses have “been-there-done-that” themselves!


About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Hooray! That sounds like it is going to be a blast. I know several bloggers in Saigon right now. Maybe they’ll still be around when you get there!


Congrats! This is totally exciting! I’ll send good thoughts your way to help you get through the things you need to!

Lisa @chickybus

So cool to hear this…congrats! One-way ticket? Very nice! 🙂


Thanks for the support. Needless to say I’m STOKED here! FINALLY I have an actual date when I need to be in Vietnam. Now I can move forward with buying a (one-way – gulp!) air ticket, apply for a visa, etc.


Congrats! How wonderful and exciting!



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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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