Travel Tips

Published on July 27th, 2011


The Chain Continues: The TravelnLass’ "7 Links"

Nope.  No pyramid “chain-letter” scheme here, just a friendly round-robin of sorts that’s been goin’ round the travel blog circuit lately, dubbed “The 7 Links Project”.  Initiated by the clever folks at Tripbase, it’s a way to unite the blogging community and highlight some of the most remarkable (in a variety of ways) past posts that otherwise now seldom see the light of day.In short, a blogger features 7 past posts (that match the 7 Links criteria: Most Popular post, Most Helpful post, etc.) and then tags up to 5 fellow bloggers to likewise revive 7 of their past posts.  Rinse and repeat.

Personally, when I first discover a new blog, I often don’t take the time to wade back through the archives but rather, just drop the new blog into my RSS reader and sally forth from there.  But the 7 Links Project has truly unearthed some gems that I’d otherwise never have seen.

And though my own little TL blog is barely 8 months old, I’ve nonetheless managed to post nearly 50 bundles of blather to date – most of which have probably been read by a pathetic dearth of eyeballs. Thus below I offer a bit of a reprise – the TravelnLass’ list of “7 Links”.

Special thanks to ManontheLam, one of my favorite bloggers, for tagging me for the 7 Links Project.

Eclipse350x350 1.  Most Beautiful Post:
La Dia de Dos Noches
“Beauty is in the eyes of…” so they say, but I believe most folks will find my “The Day of Two Nights” post (and preciously captured pics) of the total solar eclipse that I witnessed one sunny afternoon on a beach in Costa Rica to be both interesting, as well as “beautiful”.  I know I surely did.
2.  Most Popular Post:
Pay It Forward:  Helping a Fellow Wanderlust Here at Home
Oddly, this post was perhaps the least exotic – just a spontaneous encounter one rainy night here in my own home town of Seattle.A simple story of (literally) bumping into a fellow traveler far from his home (in Sri Lanka), and taking the time to help him find his way.  Indeed, likely most popular ‘cuz we travelers have all “been there” in a strange, foreign land where we could barely speak a word of the local language – and have often (oh so blessedly often) likewise found help from a kindly local.


3.  Most Controversial Loquacious Post:
So You Wanna Be an Int’l Tour Operator, Huh?
The truth is, I’ve (yet) to post anything here that’s even mildly controversial, so I opted to tweak this Link criteria to instead be my “Most Long-winded” post of all.So windy in fact, it took a series of 4 separate posts to collapse my 20 year career running my own international tour company into something just short of a tome.


4.  Most Helpful Post:
Desperately Seeking… a Mail Forwarding Service
g-knows I spent enough time researching this one.  Not just for the post, but more importantly, for my own benefit – wading through the ocean of mail forwarding services on offer, to find the best solution for handling my own snail-mail whence I’m tucked into that rice paddy in Vietnam.YMMV, but I’m delighted with my final choice.


5.  Most Surprisingly Successful Post:
I (heart) NYC
I guess I didn’t think New York City would prove exotic enough to interest many, but it turns out that I’m clearly not the only one who “hearts” NYC.For me it was but a quick final visit to the Big Apple (arguably THE iconic “heart” of the U.S. of A.) before I head to Asia for… perhaps forever.  And every moment (not to mention every tasty bite of that legendary NYC-style pizza) proved to be most memorable.


6.  Post That Didn’t Get the Attention it Deserved:
Travel’n Haiku Contest
Personally, I favor interactives in the blogs that I frequent.  So I rather thought my little Travel’n Haiku Award contest was just short of brilliant.  I mean, creating a bitty haiku is easy and takes but a few minutes.  And I thought it would be great fun to see what folks would come up with.Apparently I was wrong.  ‘Cuz to date, only one solitary soul has submitted a haiku.Nope.  We’re not givin’ away a spiffy iPad for the very best haiku.  But won’t you pretty-please take a moment to give this one the attention it deserves?  Uh, did I mention… pretty please?


7.  Post I’m Most Proud Of:
Do You Have What It Takes To Be a (happy) Indie Traveler?
A post that was great fun to write.  Deliberately tongue-in-cheek, yet also somewhat serious.  Take the quiz and see if YOU’VE got what it takes to be a (happy) Indie Traveler.

(hint: a dash of “lunatic” will boost your score)

Well, there you have it – the TravelnLass’ link in the (never ending?) “7 Links Projet” chain.  Hope you enjoyed this little walk-down-memory-lane.

And now the fun part – my nominations for continuing the 7 Links are:

Chapter Three
Four Letter Nerd
Ruth in Asia
Snaps & Blabs
Vagabonding Life

Have you been nominated?  Be sure to check the 7 Links list to make sure the bloggers you nominate haven’t already participated. 

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About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

    And in that spirit, after years of running my own adventure travel company, and flitting off to far-away places every chance I got… Read more about me…

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