
Published on October 13th, 2011


Eating Live Cobra: What I WON’T be doing in Hanoi soon…

Holy Freekin’ Furballs!   Little more than two weeks to go!


This honey is headed for Belize!

And here I sit, surfing all manner of Vietnam trivia to calm my nerves after…

Woo-HOO (and YIKES!) I sold the car last night!

(Interestingly, to a dear Belizean gentleman who’s up here visiting his brother on a 6 month visa – who plans to drive it from Seattle down, down, down to the tropical jungles of Belize.  Rather ironic, given that I spent most of my professional life running/guiding trips to the funky land of Belize.  Kinda nice to think that… while I’m skipping around Vietnam on the other side of the Planet – my sweet little Toyota Corolla DX Wagon will be bouncing over dirt roads down in Belize.)

So yup, I’m now wheel-less, and my apartment looks like a bomb shelter. Verily the bare basics of a bed, my desk and this laptop.

Ah but a chum is lending me a car for the next 2 weeks, and tomorrow night my friends are throwing me a “Going-Away” party (my first, – and no doubt last – ever “Facebook-orchestrated” party).

So I’m chugging along here – albeit in a bit of a surreal stupor – as I dismantle my entire life in favor of jumping off a virtual cliff into the Southeast Asia unknown.

CobraInJar350x526And thus, I’m inspired to devise a new blog post “label” here, dubbed “WTFHIGMI” (WTF-Have-I-Gotten-Myself-Into)!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you with a peek into what I may well have to look forward to when I land in Hanoi:

Eating Cobra in Hanoi: A step-by-step guide

(and be sure to watch the “beating cobra heart” video)

Note to self:  Pack plenty of Cliff bars should you perchance find yourself in sudden need of a quick snack.


About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Haha the cobra has another snake in it’s mouth, wtf!


How exciting! I wish you all the best! You are way ahead of me. I still have to stay put until my condo is soled. Grrr…

Lisa @chickybus

OMG…you’re really going and soon, too! How exciting! I’m living vicariously through you, you know? It’s going to be one hell of an adventure, I’m sure! 🙂

Meanwhile, I love this: WTFHIGMI….can I borrow it sometime? Like if I ever make it to Sumatra? 🙂

Best of luck!!


@feedingsquirrels & Dalene – yep, nice to know my old wheels are having a global adventure too!

And yup, no way am I fool enough to try live cobra (though… it might be fun to peek in on somebody else doing it!)


I love that your car is also going on a big cross-continental adventure!

Hmm. Me thinks I would be steering clear of that cobra!


Cool! Congratulations on your car becoming as global as you.

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

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