Patience, my dear Grasshoppers…
Yikes! Can it really be more than two weeks since I last pecked here? Goodness, but time flies when…
Wait! I’ve not really been having all that “good” of a time here lately. Nope, (thankfully) no catastrophes. Haven’t been tossed into a Communist prison for protesting a shortage of noodles in my Pho. Nor run over in the street by a swarm of motorbikes (yet!)
Alas, just bogged down with a sudden overload of “cover” classes for a fellow teach who’s slipped off on holiday for the past few weeks with his visiting British family (lucky bloke!) Suddenly, I’ve TRIPLED my teach load – from a mere 2 classes per week (my dear Juniors and Seniors on Saturday and Sunday) to 5 classes per week plus a new private tutoring class at my chum Hang’s new “English Cutting Edge” English school.
That’s 12 lesson plans vs. my usual leisurely 4 each week. No doubt a mere drop in the bucket for an experienced Teach. But with a bunch of new students (ranging from bare to but a modicum of English skills), this new Teach has surely had her hands full. Ah but my wandering co-worker returns this weekend, so I should soon go back to my preferred part-time teach status.
I have lots to share with all of you – a goodly post on my experience teaching EFL in general (with… I believe I even have a video of one of my classes), plus…
I’m already starting to get the itch to explore this corner of globe a bit further afield – a plan to swiftly duck into Cambodia to drop-jaw at the legendary Angkor Wat come May (during my usual Monday – Friday teach-free time), as well as my BIG plan whence my 6 month teach contract finishes at the end of July (am seriously planning a month volunteering in Mongolia for starters.)
All of which is to say… Patience dear loyal TravelnLass readers. With any luck the usual blather here shall soon resume in earnest.
Thanks for update! You’re one busy lady! Bet you fall into bed and sleep FAST! Phew!