
Published on May 22nd, 2012


Proof Positive: I Have a Gob of Nomadic DNA in My Genes

Seriously, I truly have to laugh.  Here I sit glued to my laptop on a Tuesday morn, when…

Suddenly it occurs to me that I surely must have a goodly gob of nomadic DNA running merrily through my veins, cuz…

    1. I’m already living in a g-forsaken rice paddy here in Vietnam – more than 8,000 miles from “home” (Seattle); and…
    2. Just 3 days ago I returned from a (most fabulous) week’s jaunt into neighboring Cambodia to drop-jaw at the legendary temples at Angkor Wat; and…
    3. Next Monday, I’ve got plans to head to Mui Ne – a beach haven along the South China Sea about 6 hrs. by bus from here in Ho Chi Minh City; and yet…
    4. Here I am, STILL rooting ’round the internet dreaming of where I might head when my EFL teaching contract is finished come August.  Oh my yes, delicious dreaming and researching exotic adventures, such as hanging out with Eagle Hunters in Mongolia, and/or tracking pigmy elephants in Borneo…

What can I say? I’m HOPELESS! I simply was not born to sit in one place for very long.

My only excuse for such rabid flitting hither and yon?

Because it’s such an OMG humungous, wondrously ecclectic globe out there with NO END of fabulous landscapes, fascinating people, and luscious exotic foods to be sampled.  And (even w/ nearly 30 countries under my gossamer travel belt) I’ve yet to see but a smidge more than a 10th of it!

So all I can do is try my level best to keep these two feet moving to ever new corners of the globe.  Which is to say – stay tuned for both a boatload of pics from Cambodia, along with some exciting news about where I’ll be heading next.

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Yes, Mui Ne should prove a treat – an overnight retreat for all ILA teachers and staff on Monday. They’re footing the bill for transport plus one night at a 5 star hotel, beach barbeque, fun and games. As I only teach on the weekends, I (as well as a few other teaches) have opted to spend an extra night or two.

Oh and yes, the “street sign”. Compliments of an acquaintance here in Saigon – that squanders hours upon hours at his laptop unearthing sites that proffer such frivolous digital playthings. I’ve suggested that he might wanna get a life, but… 😉

We must be siblings from another mother! Same DNA wanderlust! It’s never a case of “Where am I?” but “Where am I going next?” Sigh… Have an awesome time in Mui Ne. The last time I was there years ago, I sat in a hammock all day and finished a couple of books. Vacay for the soul! Nice street sign!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

    And in that spirit, after years of running my own adventure travel company, and flitting off to far-away places every chance I got… Read more about me…

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