
Published on July 4th, 2012


My Stash for the Wilds of Outer Mongolia

I’m soon headed north (more details coming soon, I promise) to play in the vast Mongolian sandbox for a month, and I’m already prepping for the no doubt dearth of 7-11’s out on the nomadic trail. Thus…


After all – a girl’s gotta keep her strength up, no?

No-way, no-how am I going to go skipping off into the wilds of Yakland, without first stuffing my backpack with a copious stash of good ol’ Snickers ‘n such to ensure that my spirits (not to mention my blood sugar) remain in the upper reaches of the stratosphere.

So, I did a little shopping today.

I mean… those yaks ain’t gonna milk themselves now are they!  😉


About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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@Spencer – LOL! Yep, I’d prefer to tote an entire SUITCASE full of Snickers (including a REFRIGERATOR to freeze them in!), but…

Alas, just 5 will have to do ‘cuz a girl’s gotta cut corners a tad to travel “light”, sigh… 😉


@Erica – yes, yes electrolytes, no tropical traveler should leave home w/o them! I have a stash of tablets that I brought from home, but…

From all I can surmise, I shan’t need them in Mongolia ‘cuz… I’ll not be sweating bullets there (which is what the electrolytes do – replace vital trace minerals like potassium, lost through sweating).

Indeed, though August is summertime in Mongolia, I’ll still likely need my silk long-johns for sleeping – even in the Gobi desert!


That wouldn’t be anywhere near enough chocolate for me! That said I would love to go to Outer Mongolia one day. I hear it is amazing.


I was about to suggest peanuts and then I looked again and it seems as though you have all your basis covered. I would try to look for the powdered gatorade/electrolyte packages just from a first aid perspective. When it was coming out both ends (sorry TMI) it was the one thing saving me from ending up in the hospital.


@James – yes, yes, I forgot about powdered Gatorade. Seriously, those electrolytes can be mighty handy if you’re sweating profusely in the tropics. But Mongolia? Heat/humidity? Not so much. Should be nice and cool, so I can leave my potassium tablets here in Saigon.

And the yak milk? Have you had it? I understand it’s so high in fat it practically squirts out as BUTTER! In any case, I aim to find out. 😉


@Half-Canadian: nope – actually I’m hoping to pick some up in Mongolia. With any luck, yak-turd scented! 😉


I remember bringing a huge stash of fancy granola bars and powdered Gatorade on a 2 month safari. Ended up not eating hardly any of it… That’s always my scenario. I always come back with loads of instant noodles and whatnot or end up leaving it for the hotel maid… Yak milk… *drool*


No lentil-scented deodorant??

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