Random Photo Memory: Tricks with F.I.L.M
Just a quick duck in here ‘cuz I’m still presently playing in the Laos sandbox. No time for pecking my usual marathonesque monologue so I just thought I’d quickly post a stray image from my long-ago days fiddling with manual F.I.L.M. cameras.
This (I dare say, rather “Monet-esque”) image is actually 2 separate pics taken IN THE CAMERA (i.e. no Photoshop “sandwich” involved – this is the real-meal-deal). The mechanics a tad tricky, but suffice 1st pic sharp focus, then release the film (you know, that old-timey black stuff on a roll with bitty holes on either edge, yes?) sprockets and reset the shutter mechanism w/o advancing the film. Then a 2nd shot on top of the 1st – this time all sweetly fuzzyily out of focus.
Voila! Wildflowers ala Monet!