
Published on March 13th, 2013


This Is What Sixty-OMG! Looks Like

Happy Birthday to me. Yep, a half-century plus more than a full decade. And all I can say is…

It just keeps getting better and better!



About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Happy Birthday! I want to look like you when I’m 60… you look good, lady!


Thanks Jill, I’m just so grateful that I’ve been blessed with good health (not to mention the perpetual curiosity and spirit of a 10 yr. old!) 😉

btw, somehow you and Jack’s blog slipped out of my Google Reader – I just checked up on you and…

Goodness but Belitung there in Indonesia looks wondrous – I was in Sumatra last year, but missed them. It’s so close to Vietnam, I may have to remedy that soon! 😉


Happy birthday! Age really is just a number and you are an inspiration to all those ladies “of a certain age.” My mom is turning 70 this year and though she can’t ride an elephant with her knee problems, she’d sure like to! Here’s hoping your year is filled with even more exciting adventures!


Thanks cosmoH. I must admit, it was a bit daunting to climb up on that honey bareback, but oh my it was such a thrill once I got up there! Next time I hop on an elephant – I’ll do it in honor of your mom. 😉


Happy Birthday Dyanne! And thanks for the encouragement. Love the blog.


Thanks David, and welcome to TravelnLass. So how are your plans shaping up for your own move to Dalat? Do post any questions you might have on the TL F.A.Q. – I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.

john r redmond

Happy Birthday To You…

I too will be in Vietnam….AND it is Next Week!
I accepted a job at an “international” school in Hanoi.
On Monday evening the 18th of March (ottawa time) I fly out and arrive in Hanoi 27 hours later in the morning of Wednesday March 20th (Vietnam time) via Toronto and Hong Kong.

From the land of Frosty The Snowman to (holy cow!) Hanoi heat and all . . .

Wheeeeeeeeeee….in freefall

john r


Congratulations on making the “Leap” John – so you’re already here (in Hanoi) now, yes? Personally I’d not be keen on accepting an EFL teach job without personally seeing the facilities, meeting the staff, etc. as there’s a gazillion “international” schools here in Vietnam and not all are created equal. But hopefully yours will turn out to be a good fit.

Do feel free to contact me (and/or post any questions you might have in the TL F.A.Q. ( so all can benefit from the answers. I’m happy to help ease your transition from “Frosty” land, to this “g-forsaken rice paddy”, and would love to hear the details of your “freefall”.

Best of luck!

Gail Snyder

Happy birthday, yikes it’s Wednesday there already! Do the stone treatment…a the spa.


@Sis – so have you done the hot stone treatment? Is it kewl?


A happy, HAPPY birthday to you, Dyanne!

I’d suggest you do something special for your six-oh, but I know you already are!


Thanks Paul (and yes, I know it’s still the 12th over there across the Puddle, so technically I have TWO days to celebrate!)

And yes, yes, I’m still deciding about the spa treatment – but I think I’ll shoot for the “Chocolate Wrap”. I mean, who doesn’t want to be wrapped in CHOCOLATE for their birthday, yes? 😉

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

    And in that spirit, after years of running my own adventure travel company, and flitting off to far-away places every chance I got… Read more about me…

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