
Published on September 23rd, 2013


Coming Up For Air in… Borneo

Well it’s official now.  I am the World’s Worst “travel” blogger.  Nearly THREE weeks since I’ve managed to drop in here with an update of my adventures in Nepal, Borneo (and tomorrow Brunei).  Indeed, with no few power outages, impossibly slow (or zip) connectivity, combined with frequent moves from city to jungle to island (not to mention country to country), plus… tropical temps with sauna humidity sapping what little strength I might have otherwise had for pecking after a long days’ adventuring…

Sorry folks, but this “Traveln” Lass has neither the time nor the heart nor the perky neurons to stay awake long enough to edit photos and cobble together a coherent string of mots at the end of days’ adventuring.

So please cut me some slack, and hang in there just a bit longer.  For I can happily PROMISE you – OODLES of great pics (OMG, the Pygmy Elephants were AMAZING!) and lots of fine tales.

I’m nearing the end of my 6 week holiday here – presently I’m tucked in a great little guesthouse on an island (Pulau Labuan – “pulau” means “island” in Malay) in the South China Sea off the coast of Borneo, and am poised to make a mad dash into the Kingdom of BRUNEI (just an hour’s boat ride, and NO VISA required for US citizens – yay!) tomorrow – just to see what a country that has a monument (not to mention a geocache) dedicated to the “Billionth Barrel” is all about.  I understand Brunei likewise has a SIX STAR hotel, so I may have to leastwise pee there, no? 😉

Not sure exactly when I’ll leave Borneo – likely the 28th or so… that is unless I get an EFL teach job in Brunei tomorrow, or that 6 star hotel hires me as a chamber maid.  But I can (finally!) tell you this for certain:  I shall next be heading – not back to Vietnam, but rather, to Chiang Mai, Thailand to set down a semblance of roots (leastwise for a few months).

In any case, once I’m settled again, trust that I shall hang out at this TravelnLass keyboard in EARNEST and share the many pics and stories of my time in Nepal, Borneo and Brunei.

Oh, what the heck – here’s one more pic of those amazing Pygmy Elephants:


Hard to judge the scale here, but suffice the female Pygmy Elephant is only about 5 ft. tall, and the baby… maybe 3 ft.

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Sue Pearson

So what I really want to know is did you get to pee in luxury at the 6 star hotel? lol… Ahhh those wittle elephants looks so cute, Wow the sites and critters you must have seen!


Slack you should have. You’re in Borneo! You shouldn’t have your face buried in a computer. Take lots of photos – post ’em when you get home (wherever home is).

Have I mentioned that I love the new blog layout?

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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