My Great Leap

Published on October 31st, 2013


My 2 Year “Great Leap” Anniversary

EmptyAptSeattle350x350It would seem appropriate to be writing this post to mark my 2 year anniversary as an expat – whilst sitting at a departure gate, waiting to board a flight to yet another Asian country (Thailand).

Indeed. On just about this date two years ago (29 October 2011), I was likewise sitting at a departure gate. Only then – I’d just shut the door on my (utterly empty) apartment in Seattle, and boarded a one-way flight to the other side of the globe.

In retrospect, that leap of faith seems both lunatic and breathtakingly courageous. Yet at the same time, so easy-peasy that I have to wonder why-didn’t-I-do-it-much-sooner?

At the time I had no way of knowing just how such a drastic life change would turn out, of course. But after two years of exploring ever new lands here in Asia, and gawking at wondrous once-in-a-lifetime sights that I otherwise could only DREAM of, I can safely say…

It was the very BEST thing I’ve ever done.

24 months
10 countries
50+ hotel beds plus more than a dozen gers and couchsurfing couches
47 plane rides, 2 trains, 20 some-odd buses, 9 ferries, 2 jeeps, and 1 horse

And these are but some of the highlights:

(Click on any of the thumbnails to start the slide show…)

For those of you who’ve followed along and encouraged me from the get-go: HUGE thanks for your loyalty and your support these past two years (trust that there’s been times when I sorely needed it).

And to those who’ve just recently joined the TL party: do stay tuned.   For this TravelnLass ain’t gonna slow down any time soon!

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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John Brooke

Hello Dyanne,
A Canadian senior I left Canada over 2 years ago to complete a Gemstone graduate degree in Bangkok, then lived in Chiang-Mai, picked up a “TEFL” degree and I now realize that my long expired Vietnam Visa had not been used. My idea was and is now to live and teach English in Da Lat, and start bringing in some dollars. Between the running for visa extensions and difficulty working here in Chiang Mai, it has become less for me. I very much enjoyed reading your blog that I came across while surfing the web regarding Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat. I would very much appreciate your feed back in terms of living and teaching in Vietnam (Da Lat, Ho Chi Minh) I saw a photo of you bundled up in scarves winter coats in the the Photo of Tet fireworks in Da lat and would also like to know about the clothes needed there. I have many questions since my preparations are for arriving Vietnam in the middle of December. I will write down my questions and perhaps if you would be so kind, perhaps we could do a Skype to Skype to say hello and firm some things up.
Muchas Gracias,

Stacy @ Sweet Sky

Hi Dyanne,
I haven’t seen your blog in a long time, and just popped on. I must say it is wonderful seeing your smiling face!! Looks like a beautiful, wonderful, rich, and satisfying life!!!! Glad I can share a small piece of it on your blog.

Many blessings,
(from cohousing…)

Mary Moss

Congrats on 2 fabulous years. Keep pecking away at that blog cause you never know who will be following those breadcrumbs. I know that I appreciated having a path to follow:-)


Two years already? You really are an inspiration to me.


Well done Dyanne. Hope the next 2 years are a good for you.

Ruth Elisabeth

Congratulations! Surely two wonderful years and I hope you have many more!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

    And in that spirit, after years of running my own adventure travel company, and flitting off to far-away places every chance I got… Read more about me…

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