Wow Worthy Stuff Things that are WOW Worthy on the web

Published on January 11th, 2014


Woo-Hoo – I’m Back In the Spanish Saddle Again!


Likely the quickest ‘n dirtiest TL post I’ve yet to peck.  But a single “WW” to share, and it is truly WOW Worthy!

Given that I’ll soon be (finally!) in a land that speaks a language I halfway know (Ecuador), I thought it best to begin brushing up on my (long ago, tour operator for 20+ years in Costa Rica) Español!

Just this week I stumbled across THE most fun (not to mention effective) site:


Did I mention F.U.N.? Seriously. Too very.

Did I mention E.F.F.E.C.T.I.V.E? Well I’ve only been at it for a couple of days now, but suffice – already I feel like I’m easily back in the Spanish saddle.

Did I mention IT’S.UTTERLY.FREE???

The truth is, I am just SOOOOOO excited about my move to Ecuador – after more than 2 years of nonsensical gibberish (Vietnamese, Thai) swirling around me daily – I’m verily OVER-THE-MOON with the thought of actually living in a place that I can halfway communicate in the local tongue.

Bottom line of this quickie WW? If you ever wanted to even halfway try learning a 2nd language (presently DL offers free courses in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and Italian) – do check out this site.

P.S. That you can apparently help create a new Duolingo course (if you happen to be bi-lingual) – only makes Duolingo that much way kewler.

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Four Letter Nerd

Thanks for the tip, that’s a great resource for nosotros los estudiantes de español – for review at least. When I get into new material I will optimistically give this one a try, but have not liked other such learning tools that present without explanation. Still, optimism is the only way to go.

For those who don’t want to be forced to learn spelling, the Chrome browser has a setting to auto detect misspelling in all the languages google recognizes.

Four Letter Nerde

Ay Caramba! El add-on es muy bueno. I’d heard about it, forgot about it, just tried it and like it. Thanks.


Your excitement is oozing from your page, it makes me smile. I’m looking forward to following your new adventure – especially the teaching aspect as I am a retired teacher.


I’m always looking for freebies and learning Spanish is something that I’ve put off. Thanks for the info.


Saw that earlier – but didn’t know it was free, will go back later. Tried Berlitz Spanish course, but it seemed way out of date. I find you need someone to speak the language with and it appears all or most of the Spanish left London ages ago, so I’ll just pick it up on location next trip to Spain.

Have fun in SA.


“could practice with somebody online via Skype….”
That’s a thought. Good idea.

I’m off in about 10 days (depending on Eurostar) back to Pamplona.


OMG. I have absolutely NO time (I should be packing or working on editing a book project) and you just made me spend 40 minutes trying to remember my high school French!!!

(Congrats on settling on a wonderfully captivating destination!)

Duolingo really is fun, though there are a few things about that I wish it did a bit better (e.g., I wish it offered more formal explanations of grammatical rules and tricky things like conjugations and the like that it’s more difficult to pick up through mere exposure, or at least, one might pick up faster if explicitly taught rules) but it’s a great way to supplement other language learning efforts and a good way to solidify basics in a SL that one already has some familiarity with. I’ve used it to brush up on my French some, and I’ll certainly rely on it heavily whenever my own gaze turns to South/Central America.

I’d agree that Duolingo is better as a supplement or a brush-up tool rather than a way to learn new structures.

On the plus side it does seem addictive, which is a great to ensure some studying actually happens!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

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