
Published on February 28th, 2014


Carnival in Cuenca!


Good-NESS! Ever so much to catch up on here. I’ve now been tucked into my new home in Cuenca, Ecuador for about two weeks, and let me tell ya – coming from more than 2 years living in Asia – Ecuador is like landing on ANOTHER PLANET!!!

Much to tell of course – about my marathon trajectory across the Big Blue Puddle, touching toes briefly in my native land, and then yet another 3 planes due south – just a smidge past the equator here to (aptly named) ECUADOR.


Yup, I’m now living in the Land of yummerishish “Cafe con Leche”

There’s also the little matter of climbing UP to 8 THOUSAND FEET on that g-forsaken mountain top in the Andes” (can you spell G-A-S-P-I-N-G for breath?) Ah but those tales (and pics of my new super-duper apartment) – all in due time, dear readers. All in due time.

But today, I just couldn’t wait to slap up a little video I created of the first night of Carnival here in Cuenca. Oh my – but the start of a near week of festivities, and all I can say is – Uh, Toto, I don’t think we’re in Asia anymore!

Now then – on with the shhhhheeeow

O.k. here’s a test for ya – raise you hand if you spotted the one pic with yours truly in it! (let me know in the comments)

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Sue Pearson

Hi Dyanne, I have been keeping an eye on the blogs for Ecuador, been wanting to move there for years and hoping to make my trial “is it my new home” jaunt down there later this year. I have not heard it was easier to get your visa IN Ecuador after arriving, always heard it the other way around, and never heard anyone say something about the travel discounts you mentioned, now THAT is very interesting! Did you have all the necessary paperwork, how did you know what all to bring for the long term visa? People always talk about how much work it was to get all the papers they needed…? Did you do much requesting more paperwork from the states to get them? Thank you for your blog, I will certainly be watching it! I have been getting alot of info about the area from the Ecuador expats Facebook site, seems like alot of good people there! Thanks again and enjoy your time there!

Sue Pearson

Hey Dyanne, Thank you for your reply, I did not know you could just arrive in Ecuador and get a free 90 day visa, such good news. Yes I have done a bit of solo traveling overseas and South America and have a small place in Mexico, but very much like what I’m hearing about Cuenca. I definitely want to try it out and check out the towns I have been researching before I come home and sell it all. Then I too would just easily pack up and move somewhere else (except back to the states) If I found another place I want to check out! I DID read alot of your stories! What an experience, a bit too hard core for me, lol! But I can’t wait to do my trial run, thank you for your reply!

[…] Carnival in many other parts of the world, including Trinidad and Tobago, Venice, France, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, and plenty of other […]


Woah! Didn’t know they celebrated Carnival in Ecuador! Linking to this on my post about Louisiana Mardi Gras!


So fun! I think I’d like to sample Carnival around the world! Cuenca would be high on my list, though!


I saw you on the left with the handsome young men! Thanks for posting the video. The dancing looked really fun. I liked the dancers in the hats and pants. They were women?


Great to see this post from your new crash pad. So many great places to see around there. Too bad so many of the countries have big fees for entry.

With the understanding that you haven’t been there that long, do you think you’re glad you made the move to Cuenca from Southeast Asia?

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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