
Published on March 22nd, 2014


El Centro Flower Market


Whew! Fully six weeks here in my new Ecuadorian home, and (finally) I’m happily acclimatized to breathing 25% LESS oxygen at 8,000 ft. (good grief, no WONDER I was feeling like crap that first week!)

The weather here in Cuenca remains most idyllic – every blessed day blue skies, sunny and temps in the 60-70’s.  As evening falls, a reliable gathering of ominous black clouds wafts over the mountains dropping a brief shower – just enough to add a bit of variety and drama to an otherwise dreamily perfect climate.

So very many facets to yet another resettlement in a new foreign land. Starting from scratch (knowing nary a soul, nor where to even BEGIN to build a new life) can be decidedly daunting to be sure. But the truth is, I THRIVE on it – a whole new culture to learn about, new foods (loving the “queso fresco” – fresh white cheese, much like feta – tucked into a slit banana and grilled at the curb), bartering with the lasses at the Mercado for all manner of freshly slaughtered “cerdo” (pork), “pollo” (chicken),  “carne” (beef) plus (freshly trucked from the coast) “pescado” (fish) and jumbo shrimp (a half kilo, 3 bucks).  Figuring out the local bus system (.25 and apparently we dodderin’ old folk can ride for half that!), not knowing what’s around the next corner, what might I find down THAT lane (then simply turning said corner and wandering aimlessly down one cobbled “calle” after another).

Which brings me to today’s pictorial edition of my new home – just one of MANY lovely corners of Cuenca – the El Centro Flower Market – situated across from those spectacular blue domes of the “Catedral Nueva”, but a block from Parque Calderon (and thus just 4 blocks from my front door).  I make a point of passing by there every few days to tote home a bouquet of roses, lilies, daisies and other fragrant eye-candy (2 bucks w/ a bit of genial barter – no extra charge for the Spanish practice!) to brighten my new apartment.

In short – THIS is an every day part of my world now here in Ecuador:






Interesting note: every stray petal is saved in boxes – to be later strewn at religious festivals and parades.


About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Sue Pearson

Wow those flower markets are gorgeous, Thanks for such nice pic’s showing them…And so affordable to have all the time!

Steve C

It’s Sunday morning here in No. California and our weather has also been in the 70’s lately. I’m not trying to compare, just saying it’s Spring, and a beautiful time of the year.

Your post this morning is a perfect way to start out a Sunday morning. A cup of coffee, the Sunday paper and a few travel blogs to keep me focused, and I’m a happy guy.

I’ve just recently reworked my get-away plan to include Ecuador as one of the first stops. Your description of Cuenca is my idea of a place that I seek out while traveling. Da Lat and Chiang Mai are also high on that list too. The count down is now down to about five months. Then I’m off living a life similar to what you’re doing.

Keep on keeping on! Your posts are like reading a good book that never has an ending.


Looks gorgeous! Would love to skype soon! We must have a catch up ASAP!

Kathy Mccullough

What a gorgeous post, Dyanne! Wow! I love that flower market. Your photos are stunning. And the bus is even cheaper– 25 cents for adults, 12 cents for students and folks over 65. I know–sounds impossible, but it’s true. We can hardly afford NOT to ride the bus! LOL We need to get together soon. Sara wants to meet you, too.


Ruth Elisabeth

Good to see you surfacing for air over there in Ecuador. 😉

Ruth Elisabeth

France wasn’t for me so I’m back in the UK until the summer when Asia may well be on the cards. But my plans are still being formulated so don’t quote me on hat!


Sounds like an awesome place, maybe I should consider swapping Chiang Mai with Central America… Enjoy your time, it sure looks lovely place to live.

PS: I love your motto!

Gail Kuger

Delightful, looks for homey, colorful and historic — like a movie set!

Cuenca sounds really lovely. Do you feel as safe wandering around at night as you did in Chiang Mai?


I have had many people ask me about fear of losing Stuff while traveling. As you say, risk seems higher in many US cities. I’ve told lots of people to look up the USA on the British or Australian state department sites.

“There is a general threat from terrorism. See Terrorism

You should be alert to the dangers of car and street crime. See Crime”

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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