Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time... a look back at some of the TravelnLass' many adventures.

Published on May 27th, 2014


Once Upon a Time… (Bali Bliss Video)

Rapunzel350x446There was a fairy princess (that generally favored sweats over sequined gossamer dresses) who fancied perpetually skipping ’round the globe with a backpack (as opposed to that Rapunzel lass perched prettily in a damp, and no doubt grimy castle tower, pining away for some stray prince to clamber up her long, golden tresses).

And when the princess wasn’t bouncing atop a camel in the Sahara, straddling an elephant in Laos or hoofing it amid the wilds of Mongolia, she liked to share her tales of vagabonding by pecking posts from a comfy couch in a tiny corner of cyberspace called “TravelnLass.com”.

But alas, after pecking hundreds of such (arguably brilliant and fascinating) tales of travel bliss and derring-do, many of her very best posts sunk deeper and deeper, and deeper…

. . .into the dark goo of her TravelnLass archives.

But no more!  Nosiree, the (not only breathtakingly beautiful, but likewise profoundly wise) princess has opted to cleverly hatch yet another new TL series – dredging up an all-but-forgotten post from the past every now and then, dubbed (naturally) “Once Upon a Time”.

So settle down ye lads ‘n lasses, curl up with your favorite fuzzy (your choice: teddy/bunny) on your little cots (well o.k. slouched at your keyboards) and feast your eyeballs on this TL blast-from-the-past, the January 2011 tale of…

Random (Video) Memory: Bali Bliss

Bali Bliss VideoSlider

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Great blog post, I really enjoying reading your blog..


I love your blog’s design! You have been some really interesting places and I would love to read more about your travel experiences. I wish I had started blogging sooner – I just started 6 months ago and have had to write several posts from memory. Safe travels 🙂

Chuck Rohe

Can’t wait to see everything that emerges from the goo. But don’t knock stray princes.

Sue Pearson

Oh, that was just beautiful, what another grand adventure, Quite the little rain storm eh? and that tat is nice! Really enjoyed seeing it in a video, just a gorgeous place. Did you go into that sea palace? That was outrageous!

Sue Pearson

Well yes, thats true, how nice to relive them again! I love the look of that “Sea Palace”!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

    And in that spirit, after years of running my own adventure travel company, and flitting off to far-away places every chance I got… Read more about me…

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