Foto Flip Friday

Published on July 4th, 2014


Foto Flip Friday: Celebrations (Submit Week 1)

Welcome to a brand new edition of Foto Flip Friday – a fun little photo competition (with a monthly theme) where you can submit a photo, and I’ll select up to 3 each month to be whittled into a flipping photo and displayed here the last week of the month, like so:

(mouseover the image and watch the *flippy fun!)

Foto Flip Friday Yi Peng Postcard photo Front

Foto Flip Friday Yi Peng Postcard photo Back

* Well o.k. for those viewing in IE, not so much “flippy” as a fading change. If you want to see the flip/flop, try viewing in Chrome or Firefox.

And here’s another example of what your winning entry might look like:

(again, mouseover the image silly, so you can read the message on the back of the postcard)

Foto Flip Friday Sample Postcard photo Front, June 2014 Theme: Follow Your Dreams

Foto Flip Friday Sample Postcard photo Back

Imagine that – the chance for YOUR photo, happily flipping to ‘n fro here – with YOUR personal message on the back!

PLUS… for those who like – a link back to your website/blog (a reciprocal link back to TravelnLass not required, but nonetheless appreciated) 😉

All you need do to participate in the new TravelnLass monthly Foto Flip Friday competition is:

  • Choose a pic (that YOU have taken!) that fits this month’s theme – one that’s in “landscape” orientation (to fit the horizontal “postcard” profile). Make sure it’s at least 700 pixels wide and in .jpg format. The pic needn’t be fabulous nor professional quality (mine surely aren’t!), but do choose one that showcases your best work (a bit of postprocessing is fine).
  • Upload your photo to the Web (in a blog post, on Facebook, Flickr, Photobucket, Instagram, Picasa, etc. – many options for photo hosting – just make sure wherever you put it, the privacy is set to “public”), and then…
  • In the comments below, post a link to your photo, plus…
  • A short (no more than 10 – 15 words) “postcard” message of the story behind the photo/why it fits the theme, and whatever name you want as a signature. This I will put on the flip side of the winning postcard(s).
  • Also include a short (1-3 short words) title (where the photo was taken or some such) that you want on the postcard front, plus a link to your website if you like.
  • The winning postcard(s) will remain displayed for the last week each month, and the following Friday I will launch a new theme. All the winning entries will be archived so you can view them (HERE) at any time.

Any questions? (do drop a note in the comments). Okay, let’s get started…

Given that today marks the 238th anniversary of independence in my native land (and like the past 3 years, I shall have to be content with celebrating thousands of miles away) I’ve opted to choose the theme for the month of July’s Foto Flip Friday to be…


e.g. any pic that you’ve taken that depicts celebration festivities (such as the sample of the legendary Lantern Festival in Chiang Mai, above). But it might also be a photo of fireworks, a birthday party, New Year’s Eve, or any holiday/festival you’ve enjoyed in your travels or hometown. Macro shots of christmas lights or wedding cakes, etc. will work – pretty much anything that smacks of “Celebrate!”

Here’s another example of what “Celebrations” might mean to you…

Foto Flip Friday Sample Postcard photo Front, July 2014 Theme: Celebrations

Foto Flip Friday Sample Postcard photo Back, July 2014 Theme: Celebrations


Starting today, you can submit a photo (one per person/website) for the July theme via the comments below, anytime during the next 2 weeks (til Friday, July 18th)

Note, photos submitted after the July 18 deadline, will NOT be considered.

Meanwhile, I’ll post a “Foto Flip Friday” pic or two of my own each Friday to give you ideas of the kind of photos that fit this month’s theme.

After submissions are closed, I’ll study all the entries and select up to 3 photos I fancy the most and whittle them into nifty digital flipping postcards.

On Friday, the 25th of July, I’ll post the winner(s) here on TravelnLass where they will sweetly flip to and fro for all the world to see.

(To admire last month’s theme “Follow Your Dreams” entries and winners click HERE)

Foto Flip Friday Winner's Badge Added bonus: The winners will be eligible to display a Foto Flip Friday Winner’s Badge on their site (linked back to their winning Flip Postcard here at TL), and…

ANYBODY that submits a photo (even if it’s not in the top 3) will get a link to their site beneath the winning postcards.

Ready? Get set… GO!

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Here’s my entry which can be linked back to Anita and Richard @ Hola from Granada, Nicaragua! Sometimes you have to celebrate just because!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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