Foto Flip Friday: Celebrations (The WINNERS!!!)
Yipeee! The results of July’s Foto Flip Friday “Celebrations” theme are IN!
Then again, I must say I’m a tad bummed that “Celebrations” only prompted but two lone entries this month. So…
What the heck – may as well make ALL of them flip/flop WINNERS!
Thanks to both Sue and Four Letter Nerd for sharing your favorite “Celebrations” pic. And here’s a little curtain-raising drum roll to show off your “winning” entries:
(Do mouseover each *flip foto to see the winner’s personal message on the back)
Submitted by Sue,
* Uh, sorry, but for those of you viewing in IE, it’ll be not so much a “flip” as a fading change. If you want to see the flip/flop, try viewing in Chrome or Firefox.
Submitted by Four Letter Nerd,
Note that each winning postcard includes a link to the entrant’s site. A reciprocal link back here to TravelnLass isn’t required, but would be much appreciated.
Also, ALL the winning Foto Flip Friday photos can be viewed HERE.
Now then, with this month’s Foto Flip Friday winning ceremonies out of the way…
On second thought, maybe this photo “competition” thing wasn’t such a great idea after all. Perhaps it’s best to simply use the nifty flip/flop postcard widget as a display platform for my own travel photo memories each Friday. g-knows I’ve got enough of them in my photo archives, and the limited space on the back of the postcard will keep me from blathering on ‘n on as I am so wont to do. 😉
I think a monthly theme is nice though, so will assign myself one each month and see how it goes…
Woo hoo! For the first time in my life I’ve won something by tying for both first and last place!
+1 on a monthly frequency.
Dyanne, might help your readers googling if you changed ‘Sibu’ to ‘Cebu’.
Oops! Sorry FLN, I missed the spelling on your entry. But when I went to find the correct month that the annual festival is held (i.e. that I placed on the back of your postcard), there’s plenty of “Sibu”s so I didn’t notice I had it wrong.
Not a problem. Looks like some are now using the Cebuano spelling (Sibu) of Cebu. That’s news to me. On the plus side, my photo with the link to your site is now the first one seen when searching Google images on ‘sinulog sibu’.
Interesting FLN – that Google so swiftly grabbed both the front and the back of the postcard (obviously thanks to my alt tags). Just for the heck of it, I added “Sinulog Cebu” to the alt tags as well, so… with any luck your pic will come up in Google images for both spellings. 😉
Wish my internet had been a little more dependable to participate but I enjoyed the photo flips! Great idea!
Yes Anita, too bad your fb link didn’t work, I’ll bet your entry would have been a stunner.
Maybe I’ll allow a few “guest” foto flips in the coming weeks 😉 Stay tuned, would love to whittle you a nifty flip postcard one day.
Aw thanks Dyanne! Wow, Four Letter Nerds photo is beautiful! What a great shot! Too bad everyone is just too busy, I loved seeing everyones photo’s, but will love seeing your photo flips coming in! Thanks for coming up with such a cool idea, wish it would have had more response, but hey, more time to show us your own flips now!
Yes Sue, no doubt many folks were just too busy for this month’s fff (yeah, like you – scrambling to uproot yourself and move to another CONTINENT – aren’t) 😉
But the truth is, I originally snagged the nifty flip photo plugin as a device to showcase my own travel memories, so that will be a fine use of it too.
Thanks again, for you fine “Celebrations” entry – would be a dream, if you could get all your Toledo girls to gather next year down here in Ecuador, yes?
Sue, thank you for your kind words.