Check Out the TravelnLass’ New IMAGE WALL!
Ah, the digital tinker never ends. Just stumbled across a very nifty WordPress plugin that…
Well I’ll just let you see for yourself. Check out the TravelnLass’ new IMAGE WALL!
P.S. btw, do I get a prize for pecking undoubtedly the SHORTEST TL post ever??? 😉
OK, wow, I loved that, I wish I could spend the next “month” (?) to look at all the links, that is definitely cool, what a ton of pics! GREAT digital toy there!
Heh-heh. Yup, that’s the idea Sue – to tempt folks to hang around here and explore all my TL tales. 😉
But seriously, much as I like to chronicle my travels here, I especially enjoy tinkering with the digital graphics and the many gizmos to make the site more interesting and fun. And yes, g-knows I’ve got enough photos here to share, may as well bring them all front ‘n center for others to enjoy.
(btw, the Image Wall gizmo allows me to randomly rotate the images every week, so do drop in again to see the new assortment.)