Foto Flip Friday

Published on September 26th, 2014


Foto Flip Friday– September Theme: “Children of the World” (Week 4)

Welcome to another edition of Foto Flip Friday – a selected showcase of photos dredged up from my bountiful photo archives and whittled into pretty little “flip/flop” postcards each Friday.  And to add to the fun, each month I’ll challenge myself to unearth a series of images that meet a monthly theme.

This month’s theme showcases a few of the sweet little ones I’ve met in my travels:

Children of the World

This is the 4th, and final week of the “Children of the World” theme and I still have plenty of little ones to share.  (do mouseover to see a short message on the back of each postcard).

First we have a two images from my amazing visit to Mayanmar (which… I’ll be writing several posts about one of these days – I SWEAR!)

Foto Flip Friday September 2014 Children of the World, Myanmar School Kids Postcard Front

Foto Flip Friday September 2014 Children of the World, Myanmar School Kids Postcard Back

(simply mouseover the image and watch the *magic!)

* Well o.k. for those viewing in IE, not so much a magical “flip” as a fading change. If you want to see the flip/flop, try viewing in Chrome or Firefox.
And this next image – among my most treasured.  Seriously, it is just such rare moments of serendipity that make my travels so very memorable.

Foto Flip Friday September 2014 Children of the World, Myanmar Child Applying Thanaka Postcard Front

Foto Flip Friday September 2014 Children of the World, Myanmar Child Applying Thanaka Postcard Back


Next we move to Nepal – a country I’d revisit again and again in a heartbeat.

Foto Flip Friday September 2014 Children of the World, Nepal Tibetan Baby Postcard Front

Foto Flip Friday September 2014 Children of the World, Nepal Tibetan Baby Postcard Back


And finally, to top off this month-long “Children of the World” photo parade – what else, but a pic of one of my Veitnamese classes in Ho Chi Minh City.

Foto Flip Friday September 2014 Children of the World, Vietnam Teaching Postcard Front

Foto Flip Friday September 2014 Children of the World, Vietnam Teaching Postcard Back


Th-th-that’s it for “Children of the World”  Time to choose a new theme for the month of October, and start a new round of Foto Flip Fridays.

If you have any bright ideas for a photo theme to challenge me – I’m all ears. “Blue”? “White”? “Sunsets/Sunrises?” “Doors”? “Faces”? Do post a note in the comments and I promise to consider any and all.

Tune in next Friday to find out what new photo theme I’ve chosen for October.

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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I like viewing and making photographs of doors.

I love the people photos and the faces of the children, especially your grinning students!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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