Foto Flip Friday

Published on July 3rd, 2015


Foto Flip Friday – July Theme: “Toes” (Week 1)

Welcome to a brand new edition of Foto Flip Friday – a selected showcase of photos dredged up from my bountiful photo archives and whittled into a pretty little “flip/flop” postcard each Friday.  And to add to the fun, each month I’ll challenge myself to unearth a series of images that meet a monthly theme.

As I’m presently wigglin’ my toes in the sand at one of Ecuador’s luscious beaches, I couldn’t help but think that my many “Toes in Situ” pics would make a fine theme for July. I’ve been faithfully snapping photos of my feet whenever they step onto a new country, so why not post a few of them here?

Thus without further ado, this month’s FFF theme is simply: TOES

For starters, we see my toes lit by the dim light of a Loi Krathong candle “boat” in Chiang Mai, Thailand (do mouseover to see a short message on the back of each postcard).

(simply mouseover the image and watch the *magic!)

Foto Flip Friday July 2015 Theme: Toes in Situ, Loi Krathong Festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand Postcard photo Front

Foto Flip Friday July 2015 Theme: Toes in Situ, Loi Krathong Festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand Postcard photo Back

* Well o.k. for those viewing in IE, not so much a magical “flip” as a fading change. If you want to see the flip/flop, try viewing in Chrome or Firefox.

And though this red gravel may not look like much, trust that my toes were pointed at one of the most remarkable chunks of “gravel” on the Planet:

Foto Flip Friday July 2015 Theme: Toes in Situ, Ayers Rock, Australia Postcard photo Front

Foto Flip Friday July 2015 Theme: Toes in Situ, Ayers Rock, Australia Postcard photo Back


All this month I’ll be rummaging through my archives for more pics of my pinkies, so check back next Friday to see another flip/flop postcard or two from my past.

And meanwhile – if you’d like to submit a “TOES” photo of your own (in landscape format, min. 700 px. wide), just upload it to an online source (e.g. your blog, Facebook, Flickr, etc – make sure the privacy settings are set to “public”), and post a link to it in the comments below.

Who knows?  I might just whittle it into a flip/flop digital postcard here!

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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