Foto Flip Friday – July Theme: “Toes” (Week 2)
Seriously. So this isn’t FRIDAY? Good lord, I could have SWORN – indeed would have put MONEY on today being Friday. First time in over a year, I completely missed posting a Foto Flip FRIDAY! Ah well, I guess the globe will continue to spin – let’s just pretend that today is YESTERDAY, kay? |
Welcome to a brand new edition of Foto Flip Friday – a selected showcase of photos dredged up from my bountiful photo archives and whittled into a pretty little “flip/flop” postcard each Friday. And to add to the fun, each month I’ll challenge myself to unearth a series of images that meet a monthly theme.
As I’ve been so recently wigglin’ my toes in the sand along the coast of Ecuador, I couldn’t help but think that my many “Toes in Situ” pics would make a fine theme for July. I’ve been faithfully snapping photos of my feet whenever they step onto a new country, so why not post a few of them here?
Thus this month’s FFF theme is simply: TOES
This week we have a trio of pinkies from a wildly diverse assortment of corners. For starters, there’s my “Toes with Beer” from my idyllic romp in Sumatra – a reward to myself for passing the grueling month-long CELTA course back when I first arrived in Vietnam: (do mouseover to see a short message on the back of each postcard).
(simply mouseover the image and watch the *magic!)
* Well o.k. for those viewing in IE, not so much a magical “flip” as a fading change. If you want to see the flip/flop, try viewing in Chrome or Firefox.
And then there’s my incredibly dear memory of gazing out over the the legendary Gobi in Mongolia:
And finally, this week we have a set of pinkies sent in by my geochum back in Seattle – a reminder of what I gave up in order to perpetually bounce ’round the world:
All this month I’ll be rummaging through my archives for more pics of my pinkies, so check back next Friday to see another flip/flop postcard or two from my past.
And meanwhile – if you too, would like to submit a “TOES” photo of your own (in landscape format, min. 700 px. wide), just upload it to an online source (e.g. your blog, Facebook, Flickr, etc – make sure the privacy settings are set to “public”), and post a link to it in the comments below.
Who knows? I might just whittle it into a flip/flop digital postcard here!