Traveln 6 Reasons why travel makes you smaller

Published on April 24th, 2016


Need an Excuse to Travel?

Just the quickest of mot-drops here this morning – an elaborate infographic that sums up some of the many benefits of stepping outside your cozy domestic comfort zone, and taking a peek at the vast expanse of the rest of our Planet.

Now I’m not saying that my many travels have necessarily raised my IQ (which in rare moments seems brilliant, whereas more often would seem to be in the toilet). But I would argue that my travels have most certainly – indeed, couldn’t help but – make me far more AWARE of the many different ways that people live (and thus more compassionate and more tolerant, at the very least).

Furthermore – learning first-hand about varying customs, values, and educational, health care, political, etc. systems throughout the world can be a significant eye-opener. While I’m forever grateful for (the utter fluke) of having been born in the United States – traveling to far-flung corners of the globe has given me a great respect for alternative ways of living.

P.S. And btw, do note that you needn’t pack up and permanently move yourself to the other side of the globe (like some crazy old lass that I uh, know) to enjoy these benefits. Just a matter of choosing to travel a bit outside the usual cruise holiday or guided group tour, and get yourself a street or three off the well-trod tourist path.

Travel Makes You Smarter Infographic

Infographic image:

What about you – how have YOUR travels changed you?

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Pinning! Travel around the US has these benefits too!

Not only does travel make you smarter, it can slow the aging process too. Those cognitive skills that your post referred to used in learning a new language as well as the non-verbal communication and solving the various conundrums that crop up as you traipse across a foreign country keep you sharp-witted rather than stuck in the same-ole routines. Another benefit I especially enjoy (that also helps as we age) is the strong community ties we’ve formed with travelers and expats as we’ve traveled, including online friends like you, Dyanne!

We’ve actually talked about a visit to Eastern Europe (haven’t even picked out a country yet) this fall after we spend some time in the US visiting friends and fam. Once your plans are in place give us a shout – maybe we can do a meet up on this continent since our last one in Ecuador fell through! Anita

I’ll let you know. Travel research, planning and anticipation are great, aren’t they?

Leslie in Oregon

Dyanne, am I correct that you were travelling outside of South America when the recent earthquakes hit Ecuador? Did your hometown escape major damage? With every best wish, Leslie

Leslie in Oregon

I am so glad that the earthquake’s devastation did not harm you directly. It has been impossible to get accurate information here on its specific geographical scope, and several sources indicated that it had decimated virtually all of Ecuador. We are working with several international aid organizations to assist with rescue and recovery. Also living in the Pacific Rim, Leslie

Leslie in Oregon

Thank you for your update and your link to Team Cinterandes. So far, we have focused on supporting what Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Oxfam, and Heifer International are doing in-country in response to the earthquake. Based on what you wrote about Team Cinterandes and our quick research, we will put it at the top of that list since it has a staffed and fully-equipped mobile surgical unit there. (MSF has taught us how incredibly valuable such a unit can be.)

Kate Savory

As a solo traveler and new resident of Mexico, I can agree with all of it! Thanks, Dyanne, for putting this info together in one great graphic–I want to share it with a couple of friends.


Hi Dyanne,

You’ll appreciate this I’m sure 🙂 !

I once spent a week (on my own) in the Omani desert with people who ‘sort of’ still lived in the desert (big tents and carpets and they even managed to hook up a self made shower) Anyway…. the sons of the family (around 15, 16) found me way cool that I would abandon the Western life and preferred their way of life…

Anyway… after a trek through the desert on camels on my own (not for the faint hearted I might add well , there was this German couple, but they had enough of the heat and the solitude so they left) we were sitting by the campfire at night and I could see that they were ‘ struggling’ with a question they want to ask.

So out it came ..” You know one of those blond girls that “you guys” have ? do they cost ? Eh..they are not for sale ,I said, they are free. FREE !? they replied…but how can you prevent them from running away ..?!

Well..I just have to do your best and hope that they will stay with you.. (big eyes all around) And, I continued, if they do decide to go away and you haven’t been nice to them , it could well be that you would have to pay them money for a long time. And that’s even the law where I come from…

Even bigger eyes.

The rest of the evening was spent in silent disillusionment and bewilderment and I event thought they felt a little bit sorry for me.

How is that for a culture shock ! 🙂

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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