Photography Tourists photographing the same thing.

Published on October 12th, 2016


How To Take Fabulous Travel Pics in Just 4 Seconds (#satire)

Our beloved WWW is verily LITTERED with helpful tips on “How to Do Splits in One Day“, “How To Do Laundry: 7 Mistakes to Avoid“, “Fractions: How to Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide Them” – oh, and my personal favorite: How to Get 150,000 People to Read Your Blog Post in One Week.

Uh, regarding that last one, I say… um yeah – good luck with that.

Indeed, with such a vast sea of helpful How-to info at our fingertips these days, there surely must be a stray Youtube video floating around out there guaranteeing to teach you:  “How to Do ANYTHING in 6 Minutes or Less – Including Speaking Swahili Fluently, While Coincidentally Becoming a Violin Virtuoso AND Noodling Out the Solution to One of the 10 Greatest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics – All Within the Same Six Minutes“!

Which is why, the following post title caught my eye (and tickled my funny-bone unmercifully).  Given that I’m likely presently wandering around Munich or Salzburg or Ljubljana, Slovenia snapping pics left and right, I thought I’d share a handful of travel photography tips with all of you.  Among THE most (surprisingly) helpful (and silmutaneously hysterical) photog help posts from one of my favorite fellow bloggers, Daniel McBane:

5 Easy Steps to Crappy Pictures

In short, sometimes tongue-in-cheek sarcasm can be more helpful than all the 10 Secrets for Taking Incredible iPhone Travel Photos lists combined.

Learn how to take fabulous travel photos in just 4 seconds!

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About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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It’s weird,after over 5 months on the road and using a smartphone and tablet as an experiment, I found my Galaxy SII (basically an iPhone with bells and whistles) did not turn out too bad a foto (not great, but passable).

I used the 640 x 480 setting (not available on iPhones), got better pics than the iPhone I used for a series of articles and they reduced nicely for my blog. A bit limiting and very slow getting them ready on an Android tablet, but as that article said, “portability..”.

I’ve repented and gone back to a real camera and laptop now, so it’s okay – I’d rather have flexibility and higher quality (even though I have more ‘litys).


Hey Dyanne, you can do something about that with the MacGyver Photo Editor APP in Play Store.

Save the JPG file as a PNG and then crop or resize, do your touch ups and post the image. I did that on a tablet, but it should work on your S4 – might have to squint though :). It is a slow process but you can do a lot with the Photo Editor (not Google’s one – don’t install the wrong APP).

Then just keep the original JPEG files in a folder and stick that on a flash drive to give more space on your fone.

Thanks for starting my morning off with a big laugh- Now I’m really inspired! And here I was going to edit and sort our last trip’s photos today and look for the good ones. Hope you’re having a great time, wherever you are, Mrs. Calabash!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

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