Traveln A Wanderlust takes a break: TravelnLass tour guide taking it easy in Costa Rica.

Published on July 15th, 2017


Nope, No Goofing-Off Here…

Yup, that’s me in that tropical hammock above: (a much younger) TravelnLass taking a (rare) break from her “Imagine Travel Alternatives” tour guide chores many years ago in Costa Rica.  Fast-forward to the present:  Ah but the point here is – though it might SEEM like I’ve been playing hooky here lately, trust that the TravelnLass has been quite busy.

Yes, it’s been more than two weeks since I last published a new post here (then again, the last one on my adventures in Austria ran nearly 1,600 words plus more than *30* pics, so… give-a-girl-a-break, yes?)

The truth is, no way have I been slackin’ here on the TravelnLass front.  Nosiree.  For starters, I’ve got no less than THREE new TL posts presently in draft, including:

  • another pic-hefty post on my visit to Lake Bled in Slovenia (#3 in my “Skipping Through the Balkans” marathon series)
  • a draft post detailing my current trip research M.O. for my October Peru trip
  • plus a quick fun one (including a most interesting video) on “So You’re Terrified to Take the Great Leap, Huh?”

And speaking of videos – I’ve lately been knee-deep in sprucing up my TravelnLass corner of YouTube (yeah, I KNOW – yet more social media maintenance in addition to giving a nod now ‘n then to my Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram accounts – geesh, these digital chores never seem to end!)

But actually, I rather favor YouTube as it alone (among the many social media platforms that anymore seem to have degenerated into a mindless stream of automated sponsored sharing) offers oodles of helpful How To’s on most every imaginable subject, along with inspiring and fun travel videos for every blessed corner of the Planet.  So… suffice I’ve been lately fiddling with organizing my (paltry few, but nonetheless…) TL videos and clips that I’ve slapped up willy-nilly over the 6 years I’ve been traveling, expatting and teaching EFL in both Asia and here in Ecuador.

And furthermore, I’ve recently discovered a most nifty new app to toss together quick, fun videos called “Lumen5“.  Which brings me to today’s spontaneous post.  I just polished off my third Lumen5 TravelnLass video, and thought I’d share it here.  Like my first two flings with Lumen5, this one is a shortened, video version (little more than a single minute) of an earlier TravelnLass post (i.e. 11 vs. 17 signs that you might well be a Hopeless Wanderlust like me):

Get the remaining 6 signs that you’re a Hopeless Wanderlust HERE.

And after you watch it, click on over to my (newly spiffed up) YouTube channel to watch my other (18?) TravelnLass videos.  Oh, and of course (it goes without saying), while you’re at it:

DO subscribe to my channel so you won’t miss any of my future video uploads.

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Well, I don’t need to ask what you’ve been doing to occupy your time since you last posted. The You Tube Channel looks great! I especially liked reason # 1 – planning a travel itinerary when you’re returning home from your current trip. I’ve found myself doing that more times than I can count! 🙂


Love it. Saying thank you (or yes) in the wrong language. I said: Si, toda, to someone and they looked at me like I was from another planet.

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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