What’s the TravelnLass Up To NOW???
I’ll bet you 5 bucks…
You’ve never even noticed that there’s a sweet little “NOW” page link tucked here amid the TravelnLass annals.
Not hidden. A very clear (albeit admittedly tiny) link waaaaay up there in the upper right corner – wedged between the “About” and the “Contact” pages. Go ahead, scroll up to see for yourself – I’ll wait…
I might add that it’s also in the lower right corner of the navy blue base of every page on this site. But of course nobody, but *nobody* ever scrolls waaaaay down there, amiright?
In any case, I just popped in here to tell you… though I often forget about it myself, and neglect it for months – I recently updated my NOW page with… um, you know with a bunch of drivel on what’s happening with me – N.O.W.
Nothing earth-shatteringly new, mind you. But just thought I’d remind everyone that my TravelnLass “NOW” page is the one place around here where you can (usually) find details about what I’m currently up to.
Go ahead – give it a try. Click the pic below and go see what’s happening with me TOOO-DAAAAAAY!
P.S. New here and curious who I am? Check MY BIO to learn more! And from there you can skip off to read “43 Random Things You Might Not Know About Me“. Better yet, subscribe to my email list (so you never miss a single post) and get a pdf of my 30+ Best Travel Tips (trust me, at least one is sure to be a revelation).
I never noticed your NOW page so it was fun to read it. And you’ve reminded me that our “About Us” page could use an update too. I think I last looked at it a year or even 2 ago. Funny how time flies! 🙂
You’ve done a nice job on your About page, Anita – with your “That was then…” and “This is now – 4 years later”. But it’s that pesky “now” word that’s tough to keep up with.
lol – looks like you need to add a new page called “And this is ‘now’ – with 2 more years under our wanderlust belts.” 😉
I remember when you first posted the page. I thought it was a neat idea!
I see a lot of bullet journals on instagram. I must say I like to be a bit more chaotic. I just tried mind map to do lists for the first time recently and I much prefer them!
“I like…more chaotic.”? lol Ruth – what with your penchant for learning a boatload of different languages on the fly – I’ve always considered you MUCH more organized and disciplined than I. 😉
The thing I like about bullet-journaling is that there’s no set “rules”, no templates, no nuthin’. You can design whatever layouts, pages, collections you like. Your BJ is utterly customizable to suit you, only what you need/want.
Yes, mind-mapping can be great for some things – indeed, you could fill your BJ with all mind-maps if you like. 😀
In any case, sounds like we both favor analog over digital when it comes to such. Just a matter of using what works best for each of us.
I just like change! I end up only getting to Elementary or Pre-Int in each before a new job/country beckons, and with it comes the language.
Yes, that’s a fair point that bullet journal’s are very customisable. I think it probably is good to have a system for tracking, but I can only cope with so much structure at any one time and the rest has to be less structured to balance it!
Ah yes the delicious sweetness of “cambio” (change) – likewise my nemesis (or ecstasy depending on how you look at it)
And yes too – I find that upon reaching an Intermediate level (be it in Spanish or most any endeavor really – lol, especially foreign countries), my interest tends to um, lag considerably. 😉