Just Livn The TravelnLass has lapsed into radio silence...

Published on January 26th, 2019


Um, Is the TravelnLass on Radio Silence?

Barely but a single post in December.  And in the past six months, lucky if I managed to peck two posts a month.

Definitely quiet around here. Clearly slowing down.

Then again – nearly 500 posts since that first “And So It Begins…” way back in December, 2010 – a reliable post most every.blessed.week for 8+ years!  Um, I’d say I have nothing to apologize for here.  I mean… these 1,000+ word monologues don’t write themselves after all, and even I’m amazed at my reliable weekly stamina over so many years and so very many different (24!) corners of the globe.

The TravelnLass at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey

The TravelnLass at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey

And it’s not as if I don’t have plenty to write about.  I’ve still got fully three more countries and BOATLOADS of amazing tales to tell from my marathon solo backpack through the Balkans (including Bosnia-Herzegvoina, Montenegro, and mucho adventures all over Turkey).  Plus I’ve got more than two dozen arguably interesting draft posts that have been waiting in the distant wings (some for YEARS!), including:

  • 50 Countries: Favorite Eats
  • Reflections On Learning Spanish (or any foreign language for that matter)
  • 10 Tips for Budget Travelers to Japan
  • Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Moved Abroad
  • The Frugal-to-Splurge Travel Guide (for wanderlusts with a beer budget and a champagne appetite)
  • The TravelnLass’ Rant About &@#%! Airbnb (a.k.a. #dontgetmestarted)
  • Why I’m So Hell-bent On Traveling the World

Plus – at least another 57 stray TL posts in my head.

And that doesn’t even include my most exciting new wanderlust project (stay tuned for details coming sooonish):

Trip Planning Checklist: A Month+ Africa Edition

So pecking fodder clearly isn’t an issue here at TL Headquarters these days.

Rather, it’s a smidge of blogging burn-out, combined with a couple of recent new passions that have lately gripped my attention (and g-knows the TL doesn’t EVER do anything half-way, yes?)

Distraction #1:

Cuenca Food Walks Collage

Pages ‘n pages of digital whittle…

First, there was a most ardent, if (wisely) aborted tip-toe back into entrepreneur-dom.  A most exciting (and delicious) biz scheme here amid the cobbled streets of my beloved Cuenca.  A re-don of my 20+ year pre-retirement “Tour Operator” hat – I (briefly) dove head-long into starting up a new “Cuenca Food Walks” biz.

I spent idyllic weeks sampling the many delicious local eats – from street food to French, Vietnamese, Swiss, German, Thai, Italian, Belgium and Japanese restaurants here in El Centro, along with negotiating with the owners to design up to 7 delectable “tastings” for each food tour.  Then there were the hours ‘n hours of digital whittle to build a beautiful new website.  Oh and only after printing no fewer than a thousand custom designed biz cards…

…did I finally come to my senses.

No doubt a fine small business notion and – what with the growing number of great eats here – a service that Cuenca has long been screaming for.  But… I wasn’t in it for the extra income, so much as my (arguably over-the-top) adoration for all manner of foodie anything.  Plus – having once built a successful tour biz from scratch (running trips to Belize and Costa Rica) – my ol’ entrepreneurial spirit kicked in big time once again.

MORE TravelnLass:  Slip-Slidin' Awaaay...

Still… when it came down to actually RUNNING a biz – the day-to-day operations, the spreadsheets, the taxes, the potential whims of customer complaints…  Not to mention the crimp it would put in my foremost passion: hopping on planes willy-nilly to ever new exotic lands (see “…Month+ Africa Edition” above).

Suffice, I suddenly realized why I oh so LOVE being retired (save for a few private English classes which I can control completely from the comfort of my own sweet Casa Dyannita).  In short, I adore my life of utter freedom, and honestly never, ever want for interesting and wholly satisfying non-work pursuits.

Which segues nicely into Reason #2 for my neglect here at the TravelnLass keyboard.

Distraction #2:

My newest passion, nay addiction – Food Styling and Photography

Quail Eggs

Quail Eggs

Of course you just KNEW it would have to include “food” – cooking it, fiddling with it, photographing, and of course EATING it!  I mean, what more could I want?  A new hobby that encompasses three of my favorite pastimes: cooking, photography, and eating.  And (naturally) I’ve now jumped into it with both feet (including dropping a couple c-notes for a proper LED continuous light, c-stand and diffuser).

Indeed, I’ve converted a corner of my apartment into a photography “studio”, and poco-a-poca I’m collecting an assortment of food “props”.  I’ve joined a fabulous Facebook group with fellow foodie “toggers” from all over the globe.  And lately, a day doesn’t go by when I’m not cobbling together a new “flat-lay” and/or taking three dozen shots of “matrimony” eggs.  Here is but a small sample of the fun I’ve been having.

So Nope, Not Complete and Utter Radio Silence

But… if your TL stream seems a tad quiet lately – don’t panic!  Trust that the TravelnLass is alive, well, and still as blissful and happy as ever.  And while I hope to continue to share my tales of traveling and expatting here in Ecuador, not surprisingly – after 8+ years and near 500 posts – I just might be slowing down a bit and only pecking a new post here when the spirit moves me.

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Initially I began my blog to help get me out doing something other than hacking out code on a computer. Then I found it was beginning to take me over so backed off. Pre-written posts still are around and they can stay that way for a while (or 2 or 3 …..). So I’ve actually stopped new posts on the Simian Circles blog for more than one reason, but still get out. Google can take a hike, my new blog is purely private members only and might have a new post once every now and then. Feels good 😀

Slowing down Dyanne is not a crime and probably worthwhile in the long run. Good on you Lass. Enjoying something does not mean you have to share every experience, but once in while there is “that one” which it is good to (and let us know you’re still alive out there) 🙂

It makes you wonder how we ever fit work into our busy lives, doesn’t it Dyanne? Having so many passions and the itch to discover and learn new things are what make you so endearing but I’m glad you came to your senses before committing to throwing yourself wholeheartedly into a new business that would limit all the other zigs and zags that claim your attention. 😁 I understand “blogging burnout,” especially with so many distractions but I’ve appreciated the journaling aspect of it that takes one down memory lane, the sharing of tips and info with others and especially the online friendship with fellow bloggers that develops over the years. It’s a definite conundrum as there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do all we want. P.S. Loved that drool enticing pic of the mango and berries!

Travelboomer Trudy

I was excited to see an update from you. I never would have guessed that food photography would be your next interest! Very nice beginning to your food photo portfolio, please keep us updated. And keep on traveln, dear Lass.


Yay to being alive!

If you ever want to contribute a travel article to Oi Vietnam magazine, give me a shout!

Or have you pitched any local publications to write for?


Personally, I find that if I don’t write the blog within a very few days of doing something, the blog just never gets written. I am mentally off on the next adventure, and can barely remember the little things I wanted to talk about. Roughly 4 years ago, I tired of writing about my daily life in Cuenca. I still love the city, but didn’t really want to write about 6th Paseo del Nino parade, etc… The result is that my own blog now lies quiet for most of the time we are back in Cuenca too.

I would have loved to try your foodie tour! But I understand why you decided to back slowly towards the door… 🙂 At any rate, keep up the writing. I love to read your blog. If your Africa is going to either Namibia or Botswana, check out our blog from last Summer there, or email me for more specific questions.

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  • Welcome

    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

    And in that spirit, after years of running my own adventure travel company, and flitting off to far-away places every chance I got… Read more about me…

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