Slip-Slidin’ Awaaay…
I know, I KNOW… it’s been seemingly an ETERNITY since I last managed to pop in here to share a bit of TravelnLass blather. Sorry, but I just seem to have lost my TL mojo when it comes to pecking here. I mean, it’s not as if I didn’t diligently share my most every blessed move over the last 8+ years (500 posts plus a gazillion pics, thankyouverymuch!) But lately, (over these looong COVID “Quedate en Casa” months) I just find that it’s easier to simply share my stray thoughts to my family and friends on Facebook. Nonetheless, as I was about to drop the little video below on FB, I thought… “Whattheheck, why not quickly post this bit of nonsense here – so my TL subscribers leastwise know that I’ve not completely dropped off the Face of the Earth. So here ’tis – just my latest stray silliness: a wobbly little video of my most recent slide into materialistic consumerism. |
Slip-Slidin’ Awaaay…
Turn up your volume to enjoy the full
surround-sound gurgle ‘n drip effect! 😀
Oh dear. Clearly I need to turn in my “Minimalist” badge, and join the ranks of my fellow capitalistic shopaholics.
It’s been nearly a decade since I hopped on a one-way flight to perpetual expat-dom in foreign lands – with but a single rollie and a small backpack as my entire bundle of personal possessions.
Ah but after 2+ years of constantly eating out in Asia (omg, the incredibly delicious Thai and Vietnamese street fare – swoon!), when I landed here in my wondrous adopted “home” in Cuenca, Ecuador 6 years ago – someone offered me a k-i-t-c-h-e-n and… it’s been a downhill slide ever since.
First it was a toaster oven, then a food processor, then a waffle iron, followed swiftly by an electric pasta-maker and a yogurt machine (um… do you see a pattern here?)
And now…
Yes, ladies and gentlemen – just yesterday I was seduced into owning yet another heady chunk of “stuff”. But in my defense – at least it’s all seriously functional KITCHEN stuff – stuff that I honestly use most every day thanks to my recent new twin passions of COOKING and PHOTOGRAPHING all manner of eats. Plus…
Appliances in general tend to be pricey here in Ecuador (due to hefty import taxes), but this sweet little espresso/cappuccino machine was on sale for little more than $40, so I simply couldn’t resist the lure of being able to sip a frothy java on my (likewise new) little terrace each morning.
Th-th-that’s it – that’s all I have to report for the moment. Just the soothing drip, drip, drip of espresso… (oh, and the frother works a treat as well!
You have been missed Dyanne but the last several months have been a time of waiting and “life in limbo.” Like you, I feel grateful for my continued good health and fortunate that those I love are also relatively untouched by the pandemic. Now … fingers crossed that November will bring about some much needed change and future optimism too!
I totally “get” the occasional yen for pure minimalism and the joy of being able to carry all that you need and own with you. However, I’ll never forget our first big purchase after settling down in Portugal: a printer! After almost 5 years in my adopted home I now have a crockpot, electric kettle, a reading chair, desk and numerous things that make a simple life feel luxurious. Perhaps the reward of going without for a while is the pure joy of appreciating all that we used to take for granted!
Take care my friend and looking forward to a time when our paths cross!
Well hey there Anita – good to hear from you!
While I’m not overly optimistic about November, trust that I most emphatically will be likewise crossing fingers (and toes!) for a positive and peaceful outcome in my native land.
And yes, I think it’s most helpful (and indeed might well be a highly recommended benefit every decade or so) for those of us raised amid the opulence of developed countries like the U.S. – to pare down to the basics, empty our cabinets, basements, garages, and closets of the senseless bounty of (rarely used) “stuff” we’ve accumulated. Only when we experience living (happily) without our many gadgets and bulging wardrobes full of dozens of pairs of shoes, etc. – can we truly appreciate the stray luxury of a crockpot. 😉
In short, there’s something truly magical and freeing to be said for minimalism and Intentional Consumption.
Oh, that and… in my own list above – I neglected to mention my Air Popcorn popper – Oy, I’m truly a GONER now! 😉
I’m so glad you emerged again! I was missing your posts and worrying that you
might have had something terrible going on in your life! But here you are and you
seem to be OK. I love Cuenca and if/when I am able to return I will try to get in
touch. If you are able and willing we might share some travel adventures and
good food.
Take care,
with regards.
Sally Curry
Awww… thanks for thinking of me Sally – always nice to be missed. And yes – far better than just “OK” – grateful for good health, a most lovely home here amid the cobbled streets of Cuenca, and… with any luck – yep, a travel adventure or two in my future (though, not likely until 2021).
And yes, yes – do give me a holler if/when you plan to hike up to this wondrous mountain top and we’ll for sure meet up to cook up new adventures!