Expatn Fireworks Cuenca Ecuador

Published on December 3rd, 2024


New Year’s Eve… Staycation in Cuenca!

Though (understandably) satiated from my recent near month wandering around London, Belgium and Ireland (details of the latter skip among the shamrocks Coming Soon), nonetheless I’m rarely short of eager anticipation for another new adventure. And in that spirit…

Spanish Churros and Chocolat in Madrid on New Year's Eve

Ringing in 2020 in Madrid

Come the final day of December this month, I’ll celebrate my *14th* New Year’s Eve since blowing my native U.S. of A. popsicle-stand and choosing to live permanently abroad. Furthermore, this will also be my 10th NYE since moving to this 8,400+ foot mountain-top in Ecuador (in 2019 I rang in the New Year in Madrid – a brief 2 nt. layover enroute to eastern Africa).

Indeed, for me the NYE festivities here in Cuenca surpass those in any and all corners of the globe. Every year it’s an all night affair with the burning of “manigotes” (effigies of all flavors of political, movie/sports celebs, cartoon characters, etc.) in the streets, gulping 12 grapes in the final seconds before midnight, donning yellow underwear (for prosperity in the new year), and of course plenty of sparkly fireworks bursting in the Cuenca sky in every direction.

In short, when it comes to ringing in a brand-spanking New Year – my beloved Cuenca is where I want to be!

Specifically “El Centro”, the ever-lively, cobble-stoned heart of Cuenca (not to mention a stunning World Heritage site) – that’s where most all of the New Year’s Eve action will be. And while my sweet “Casa Rio Vista” apartment is located but a short ride outside of El Centro, alas – the Tranvia doesn’t run after 10 pm, and it’s often impossible to snag a yellow taxi after midnight. Indeed, I’ve actually had to WALK several miles home at 2 am after enjoying the NYE festivities in El Centro and/or a Cuenca house party.

Thus this year – thanks to a tip from a chum here in Cuenca – I’ve opted for a little “staycation” – a splurge on a Superior Single room at a spiffy hotel for the night – right across the street from the main El Centro plaza (Parque Calderon and the spectacular New Cathedral with its iconic blue domes). And by “splurge” I mean… lol, a mere $40 for all the splendor pictured below.

Del Parque Hotel, Cuenca, Ecuador

Del Parque Hotel – right in the heart of El Centro, with Parque Calderon beneath my balcony, and a glimpse of the blue domes of the New Cathedral outside my window…

So that’s “The Plan”. An uber-short “staycation” right here in my adopted hometown. A 24 hr. window amid the heart of all the many New Year’s Eve festivities here in Cuenca.

And just as I would on any of my more extensive travel adventures – already I’m planning my 24 hr. “staycation” itinerary. For starters, I’ll hop on the Tranvia into El Centro around noon and head to my old hood (I lived in El Centro for my first 8 years in Cuenca) for “almuerzo”.

Perhaps a little “tasting tour” – starting with a spicy tamale nestled in a steamed banana leaf from my friend Olga’s little cubby just down the street from my old apartment on Mariano Cuerva; then a few blocks north to the Mercado 9 Octubre (where I used to shop weekly for my veggies, fruit, shrimp, etc.) for – first, a tiny bag of hard-boiled “huevos de codorniz” (quail eggs) dusted with cumin and a squeeze of “limon” from a street cart on the plaza. And finally – my all-time fave: a great big plate of “hornado” (succulent pulled pork – straight off the roasted PIG!) at the market – with creamy, cheese-stuffed “llapingachos” (potato patties) and a small side of “agrio” (a delish sweet/sour vinaigrette salsa) salad.

MORE TravelnLass:  I Guess I Wasn't Too Very "Naughty"...

Sufficiently stuffed (all for little more than $6), I’ll wander around the 9 Octubre plaza awhile (sure to be especially buzzing w/ brisk sales of all manner of fiesta paraphernalia: fireworks, masks, neon wigs, et al). I might even pick up my own little “manigote” to burn in the street (and gingerly jump over 3 times for good luck) at midnight.

I also might drop into the Pumapungo Museum to see what’s new (shrunken heads from Amazonia, anyone?), and stroll through the surrounding ancient Inca archeological site.

By late afternoon this dodderin’ lass will be ready for a nap – if she has even a prayer of making it through the evening festivities and staying awake until midnight. Plus, after all – I have that fabulous hotel room to nap in… 😴

And after dark – a nice dinner at one of Cuenca’s many fine restaurants, along with several hours strolling around El Centro’s neighborhood nooks and crannies that are sure to have an array of comical and colorful tableaus featuring giant manigotes poking fun at Cuenca’s political figures, fútbol stars, etc.

And at midnight? Likely I’ll be on the roof-top terrace of my hotel – swallowing grapes at break-neck speed, and marveling at the fireworks bursting in the skies above my beloved Cuenca, Ecuador.

Oh, and… I may even follow yet another Ecuador “Año Nuevo” tradition: I might just run ’round the block of my hotel with a suitcase – to inspire bountiful travel in 2025!






P. S. New here and curious who I am?  Check my bio to learn more!  Better yet, subscribe to my email list (so you never miss a single post) and get a pdf of my 30+ Best Travel Tips (trust me, at least one is sure to be a revelation).


About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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