Nope, No “Resolutions” Here – Only GRATITUDE!
I’m actually right in the middle of pecking the final chapter of my “Europe ’24 Trifecta” (Ireland), but…
On this, the final day of two-thousand and 24 (and less than 4 hrs. until I depart on my uber-short “Staycation” but 2 miles away in El Centro)…
It suddenly dawned on me – why not take a moment to jot down – no, not a list of “resolutions” for the coming New Year of 2025. But rather… (and far more importantly) take the time to look back on 2024 (my near 80th year on the Planet) and seriously consider – at least a handful of things that I’m ever so GRATEFUL for.
- As ever (no doubt for each of us) a day doesn’t go by that I’m not effusively thankful for my continued good health. Indeed, my recent tumble in London was a sober reminder that health calamities can happen at any moment – no matter how young/old you are. I of course have my fair share of aches and pains at nearly 80 yrs. old, and I can’t jump and run as I did (even 10 short years ago). But the mere fact that I’m still independently mobile, and can make my own way on foot amid the busy streets of London and the bucolic coastal trails of Ireland’s famous “Cliffs of Moher” – truly… I. am. one. blessed. healthy. lady.
- Likewise… ever so grateful that so many of my family and friends are also relatively healthy and happy. By some miracle, neither of my dd’s died under my (some would argue, unconventional, wanderlust-lax, single-mom) care. And both grew up to be kind, responsible mothers themselves. What more could a parent hope for?
- Sooo very grateful that I happened (by sheer chance!) to be born to a lovely couple at a hospital in Illinois, which… (through absolutely no effort on my part) gave me the right to a navy-blue U.S.A. passport. Which in turn… has allowed me to enter and explore many of the World’s most fascinating counties. From iconic cities like Paris, Rome and Istanbul, to humble villages in the remote corners of Myanmar, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and more. In short, more than a half-century of precious travel memories.
- So too, ever so grateful for somewhat less stellar, every-day blessings like my dear furry pal Dulce – adopted as a stray the first year I landed here in Cuenca, Ecuador. More than 10 years later, she (literally!) follows me around from room-to-room, endures my repeated long absences when I’m wanderlust-bound for weeks on end, and emphatically welcomes me home upon my exhausted (yet blissfully happy) return.
- Soberly grateful that (even in this “sh&%hole” country of Ecuador) I enjoy both hot and cold running water out of no less than three faucets (kitchen + 2 bathrooms – all just for little ol’ “soltera” me), while… tens of thousands live amid rubble in Gaza. And children just as sweet as my smart-phone-toting grandkids – go hungry.
- And finally (though this little list is in no way exhaustive) so very grateful to be pecking these mots from the tippy-top of this 8,400+ foot mountain in the South American Andes – amid the tranquil splendor of my beloved Cuenca. My adopted home that has welcomed me for more than a decade now. Indeed, in retrospect – I’m ever so thankful that I initially spent 2+ years living in Asia, and was able to explore most every country on that side of the globe well. Had I started off here in South America, I might well have never made it to half those luscious countries (e.g. Sumatra, Borneo, Myanmar, Nepal, Mongolia, et al).
And then there’s the seemingly incidental, tiny things to be grateful for each and every day. Like…
- A roof over my head to keep me dry, along with a warm, comfy bed to drop into each night;
- a strong cuppa my favorite “Cubanito” coffee (made – not in Cuba – but right here in Ecuador) to shake some vigor into these ol’ bones each morning;
- the gurgling (presently gushing – the drought is over, yay!) Rio Tomebamba that runs beneath Casa Rio Vista and never ceases to delight my eyes and ears;
- the simple fact that I have a drawerful of clean undies (thanks to my dear “lavandería” lady that kindly washes, dries and neatly folds them for $6.50);
- the *7* (a record!) fresh strawberries I plucked yesterday from the strawberry planters hanging from my balcony. No doubt a dish of fresh strawberry shortcake will be on the “Cosina de Dyannita” menu shortly…
Clearly I could go on and on, but you get the picture, and that sublime New Year’s Eve “staycation” hotel awaits, so best I wrap it up here.
But the point is – while looking forward to another “New Year” and setting goals for making it even better than the last is all well-and-good. I find that taking a moment to reflect on just how very blessed I’ve been in 2024 – and indeed today, at this very moment – can be very satisfying and comforting.
Wishing each and every one of my TL readers – all the best in 2025, along with the peace and contentment that being ever grateful for even the smallest blessings brings!
P. S. New here and curious who I am? Check my bio to learn more! Better yet, subscribe to my email list (so you never miss a single post) and get a pdf of my 30+ Best Travel Tips (trust me, at least one is sure to be a revelation).
Beautiful post. Obviously, I share your love for Cuenca, and yes, good health is the whole ball of wax. Glad you can still travel and enjoyed England and Ireland. No doubt, you probably already have 2025 planned.
Thanks, Jim – and yes, I’m indeed presently in the sublime midst of planning my next adventure: a week in Malta and 3 weeks wandering around Albania – can’t wait!