Video Things that are WOW Worthy on the web

Published on February 19th, 2016


Wine Corks: a Global Lesson

So what’s so WOWZER about a humble WINE CORK, you may ask?

Natural wine corks - an ecological balance
Though it might *seem* like the following 3 minute video is about but simple wine corks – to me it’s a gentle reminder that absolutely EVERYTHING on this Big Blue Dot we all live on is:




and THAT, ladies and gentlemen is…

(insert drum roll here, please)

The absolute SHORTEST post I’ve ever pecked here!
(a mere 71 words)


About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

    And in that spirit, after years of running my own adventure travel company, and flitting off to far-away places every chance I got… Read more about me…

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