
Published on April 2nd, 2013


Dash to Nha Trang: Day 4 – the Wrap Up

Seriously.  Quickest post in the history of TL.  Sorry, but I simply can’t keep up with these daily tomes.  And besides, I’ve got to get up early for a bus pickup tomorrow.

Day 4: Aches ‘n Pains, So Takin’ it Easy

An early lunch at the spiffy “Dreams” resort on the beach across the street (Caesar salad, accompanied by a lovely sea breeze and some of the best jazz music on the Planet).

On the way back to my hotel – determined to taste the legendary Tamarind Crab here once and for all – I happened into a hotel and up the elevator to their 15th floor restaurant. Popped in with a devil-may-care, money-is-no-object swagger, asking what the current “Market Value” of crab was today. Lovely Vietnamese waitress takes me directly to the chef (another lass) and… suffice, she says 350,000 dong for a half kilo to feed one (moi). That’s about $18 – a bargain compared to another quote I got a few days ago from a meh tourist restaurant of 800,000 dong!

You have to order several hours in advance, so I confirmed that I’d be back for dinner at 6pm-ish.
Went back to my hotel, pecked out the Day 3 Bliss/Ack tome, took some pain drugs followed by a nap.

Oh, also had my hotel call and make a bus reservation back to Dalat for me tomorrow morning – pickup: 7.15am, ugh.

Skyped with a chum in China (epic plans, can’t say, just sayin’…), then walked over to the Majestic Hotel for my Tamarind Crab.  Ordered a beer (Heinekin, same price as Tiger, go figure, usually Heineken is double the VN beers) and chose a table on the upper, 16th floor – the only guest, overlooking the glittering curve of the beach and Nha Trang.  Then they brought me my…

OMG – utterly amazing, sinfully delish, whole sea crab smothered in the most lip-smacking tamarind sauce.

Seriously.  I’ve eaten my fair share of Dungeness crab of course (what PNWesterner, not to mention ex-resident of Coos Bay, Oregon, hasn’t?)


A fitting finale for my quickie getaway to Nha Trang

But I have to say, this Tamarind sweetie, beats all of them put together.  Indeed, this Nha Trang Tamarind Crab may well be among my top, ALL.TIME.FAVORITE seafood dinners EVER!  (and that includes, my never-to-be-forgotten plate of soft-shelled crabs as a 16 yr. old on her first trip to Long Island, as well as last year’s Holy Smokes Grilled Sea Urchin aboard a fishing boat one night off Phu Quoc Island.

Seriously.  The perfect way to wrap up the (near- but for a certain shiny red motorbike, grrr) perfect getaway to my new bbf (best beach forever) here in Vietnam.

It’s just a bit over 3 hrs. from Dalat, so – you can bet I’ll be back.

Hope you enjoyed this crash, bam (literally) “As It Happens” report.  Not sure I could ever keep up on a day-by-day like this with one of my longer, more off-the-grid adventures,  But for short getaways (and reliable i-juice) it’s been fun – thanks for following along.

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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That crab sounds – and looks – delish!! And what is this I hear about epic plans in China? I’ll be here till September… 🙂


The Tamarind Crab truly was to die for – I’d had it once before at a hawkers in Singapore, but the crab in Nha Trang was utterly DIVINE!

And China? Sorry, far too epic, I can’t say til I get a few things nailed down. But actually nope, the plans aren’t for “China” per se, just that I was cooking them up w/ a chum who happens to presently be there.


Hi Dyanne,
So sorry about your little mishap. It’s one of the concerns I have when I get to VN. (Another over-60 type on a motorbike!) Glad the great food was a consolation.

I’ll be in Nha Trang on 4/15 and in Dalat a week later. Hope to catch you there.

David (in Santa Barbara)


Yes David, the motorbikes are a concern I suppose – but I’m not so sure any more so than driving along the freeway at 100+ kph in a tin Toyota in the States – with 16-wheelers whizzing by. The net effect of a collision is arguably potentially far more fatal.

It was bound to happen, I’m just thankful these old bones held up to the spill!

Enjoy your time in Nha Trang (and do be sure to hit those amazing mud baths!) And shoot me a note when you arrive in Dalat.

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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