
Published on September 26th, 2012


Random Photo Memory: Mongolian Ger at Sunset

Thank GOODness for this little “RPM” (Random Photo Memory) series – so handy when I’m just too darn busy to peck my usual boatload of blather here.  This week’s featured image was snapped not all that long ago (amazing that but a month ago I was slogging through the Gobi on a camel!) Nonetheless, trust that the magnificent setting here will long remain vivid in my memory.


This Random Photo Memory image was taken at Khongor Els sand dunes in the legendary Gobi desert – a spot on the globe that I never dreamed I’d ever get to (but I DID – yay for me!)

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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I love the lighting!


Yes well… I have to confess – I used the nifty “sunset” setting on my ZS3, plus added a smidge of “Photoshop” for good measure. 😉

But it WAS quite a wondrous sight way out there in the middle of nowhere. And I still can’t quite believe that I was standing right there in that spot, to snap the picture at all!

Marty McL

Hey, I remember that one! It’s definitely worth another look.

Sorry I didn’t answer that last note. It got buried. To answer your question, I’m fine — took a cruise to Alaska with my HS classmates. It was a hoot — about as opposite as it could be to your kind of travel, but worth doing once. School life is heating up now, and I’m diligently trying to keep my cool.




Well hey there Marty! (btw, notice I turned off that annoying “captcha” gizmo on the TL comments) 😉

Alaska is purely a gem, no matter how you cut it – be it via comfy cruise ship or hoofin’ it with a backpack. And w/ your HS classmates? That surely must have been a HOOT indeed! Shoot, I’ve never – in… 40+ years! – yet been to a single HS reunion. And now that I’m in Asia, it’s lookin’ even more doubtful I ever will.

Do keep those school board members outta mischief – I’m counting on you to protect the young minds of Seattle youth! 😉


Wicked looking tents! The Gobi desert has always been a place of interest to me… probably because I love Genghis Khan lol. Awesome shot!


Yes, Mongolian gers are quite amazing. A simple collapsible lattice frame wrapped in thick felt (actually it’s the making of the felt that’s truly remarkable – stay tune for pics of such coming soon).

And oh yes, the iconic Gobi! Truly the stuff of Bucket List legend. I never imagined I’d ever step foot there – hope you too, make it there one day!

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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