
Published on July 10th, 2012


Heading to Chinngis Khaan-Land (a full month in MONGOLIA!)

Itchy feet…

I wanted to entitle this post “Itchy Feet” but was afraid that Google would start pointing all those “psoriasis” searches here to TravelnLass (eeeuuuuwww!)

Still, that’s pretty much the long and short of it.  I’ve dutifully stayed-put here in Ho Chi Minh City now for more than six months (an eternity, I tell ya, for a lass like me with a hobo gene running through my veins).  Six months of same ol’-same ol’ much like most everybody on the Planet – diligently commuting (albeit by death-defying motorbike) to and fro work, grocery shopping, dentist, haircut, the occasional Happy Hour, movie, etc.

(well o.k. same ol’ if you don’t count that I’ve been tucked into arguably THE most nutso city in the world, with no few side trips to wiggle toes in island sands on the Gulf of Thailand, and gawk at ancient Khmer temples in Cambodia).  But still…

Itchy feet I tell ya.  High time to dust off the backpack, and skip off to some new corner of the globe.  After all, that’s pretty much the entire reason I dismantled my comfy life in my beloved Seattle – in favor of basing myself here in Asia so as to explore this half of the world.

And so I shall.  My next adventure du jour?  The vast and mysterious land of a lad by the name of Chinngis Khaan – MONGOLIA!  (yes, yes, turns out it’s “Chinngis” not “Genghis”, who knew?)


There’s a ger out there with MY name on it!

Not sure how I settled on Mongolia from among the delectable array of exotic countries that surround me (Burma beckons, as does Bangladesh.  Likewise Nepal, Bhutan, and still many corners left in Indonesia to explore.  And don’t even get me started on India!)  But for some reason, I kept coming back to the lure of the remote reaches of Mongolia with that darn Gobi desert of myth and legend.

LOL, the truth is – I do believe that the decidedly COOLER climes of Mongolia were the tipping point.  After the sultry tropical temps here in Saigon, I simply can’t WAIT to don a pair of long-johns!

So Mongolia it is – for a full MONTH!  But first… a little side trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand.  Why Chiang Mai you may ask?  Cuz…

My 6 month teaching contract is up the end of July (and conveniently, likewise my apartment lease here in Saigon).  And… you may recall (if you read TL diligently, every blessed post, memorizing each and every mot – as. you. SHOULD.) then you already know that after finishing the CELTA course last December, I really, really, really had my heart set on moving up into the cool, emerald hills of Dalat (about 8 hrs. northeast of Saigon.)  But then ILA kindly offered me a sweet part-time teaching contract, and I’d have been a FOOL to turn it down.  So I (wisely) put off my dream of living in cooler, quieter, Asian climes for a spell.  After all, Dalat wasn’t going anywhere, it would still be there after I got some good teach experience under my belt, yes?

Chiang Mai – my new home???

Uh, but… why CHIANG MAI?, you may well ask AGAIN.  Cuz…

MORE TravelnLass:  Skipping Through the Balkans: #3 Slovenia - Ljubljana

Well I’ve heard really good things about it – indeed, apparently Chiang Mai is presently the sweetheart of Asian expats.  And I very nearly took the CELTA there ‘cuz it’s such a nice quiet, fairly small (much like Dalat) place.  So…

Before I settle down in Dalat, I just want to take a peek at Chiang Mai, to see what the expat vibe is, the EFL teaching situation, and the general cost of living, etc. compared to Dalat here in Vietnam.

So the “Plan” is thus:

31 July:  Fly to Bangkok from HCMC, connect to a flight to Chiang Mai, Thailand (I already have the air booked on Air Asia for just $289 rt.)

I’ll spend 5 nts. in Chiang Mai checking on English schools, apartments, the expat scene, etc. and then fly back to Saigon on 5 August.

Just 5 hrs. later, I’ll hop on a red-eye flight to Beijing, connecting to a flight to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, arriving UB the morning of the 6th.  (This flight too, is already booked, $795 rt. on Air China)


And likewise, a camel with MY name on it!

I set my return flight from Mongolia back to Saigon for 9 September, giving me more than a month to wander the vast Mongolian plains, mountains, steppes and Gobi desert – woo-HOO!

And speaking of the Gobi – as distances are V.A.S.T. in Mongolia, naturally transport is expensive – especially for a solo traveler like me.  So…

I popped into the Lonely Planet (of travel guidebook fame) travel forum for Mongolia, and put a shout out for anybody that might be in the UB neighborhood wanting to do the Gobi in early August.  The response?  Within a week, I’d gathered a fine group of 4 “travelnlasses” – 1 likewise from Seattle (!) and another from London (both coming by bus from Russia) plus 1 from NYC and the 4th, a Canadian presently likewise teaching EFL in Korea.  Clearly an international hodgepodge are we.  We’ll all rendezvous on the 8th of August to do a 7 day tour through all the major sites of the Gobi (including Khongor Els dunes – 800 meteres high and 150 km long!)  We’ve researched the different Mongolian tour operators ad nasueum, and finally settled on an NGO (Lotus Child) that runs a school for Mongolian kids that also can put together a a tour staying in nomadic family gers and camping.  Cost for transport (more than 1,600 miles rt!), food, lodging, etc. for the week?  $420 pp.


Yup, gonna get me one of those furry hats…

All well and good.  And don’t get me wrong, I am SO looking forward to the Gobi!  But…

My main-squeeze for Mongolia is the two week trip I booked with Back-to-Bek – two weeks of horseback riding and trekking with the Eagle Hunting nomads of far western Mongolia.  We’re talking milking goats, and gathering yak dung for fire, people.  Just my kinda adventure!

I mean, if you’re gonna do Mongolia, you may as well DO. MONGOLIA. no?  Down ‘n dirty.

And when I inquired on the Back-to-Bek site, I got extremely lucky.  There was a small group of 4 (apparently 3 women and 1 lad, in their late 40’s – perfect!) already booked on a two week tour departing 15 August – 29 August.  Check out the rough itinerary Bek (the owner, a local Mongolian that grew up among the Eagle Hunters) sent me:

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 A mixed tour of horse riding, experience Nomadic Kazakh people lifestyle, see eagle hunting and training with Golden eagle, hiking, photographing of Altay Mountains, etc

The itinerary is as follows:

Day 1
You will arrive in Olgii, have your lunch at the local restaurant, start driving to Altay Village which is about 120 kms from Olgii, and after reaching Altay after 3 hours of drive, you will continue to drive to Shegirtay Valley where our eagle hunters family will be living, (his name is Ardak, the best eagle hunter as well as a good chap). After reaching there, you will start enjoying the nomadic life, learning how to herd, milk animals and deal with other daily activities that make nomads busy

Day 2
Experience eagle hunting, learn the process of training an eagle, see how nomadic life is busy, and what the daily activities are.  Stay in the eagle hunters family.


Yup, that be me – milking the yak

Day 3
Same as previous day: learn milking of animals, sheep, goat, cows and female horses, learn how Kimis (fermented horse milk) is prepared.

Day 4
Having 9 horses (you five need 5 horses and your guide needs 1 horse and 2 horses for back pack, luggages and 1 horse for  the Wrangler) start riding horses heading to see other Altay Mountain ranges close to Chinese border, very impressive landscapes, hiking, and overnight at any family (guide will arrange the accommodation with nomads that you do not have to worry about, at the end of the day)

Day 5:  Same as Day 4

Day 6:  Same as Day 4

Day 7
At the end of riding horses and trekking on foot, you will reach throat singing man’s family, stay with the family , and they will be entertaining you.

Day 8
Next morning you will start riding in a new direction heading north west of Altay to a unique place called Shalgar, on horseback, riding along the other side of Shegirtay Valley, you will overnight on the way in a nomadic family called Karakol.

Day 9
Continue riding on horseback, towards Shalgar, reach Shalgar and stay in nomadic family. (this day will be the end of riding on horses) start hiking on foot.

Note – Shalgar is the summer place of Nomads where you will not meet with any other tourists and only nomadic people, and it is a place with 3 layers (stairs) of mountain,  up to the 2nd layer of the mountain, you will see very unique rocks and stones on deep water called mirror lake.  It is a forbidden lake for children to go.  In the past this place was a secret place for a hero who used to hide his horses he stole from other herders. Return in the evening, stay with the nomadic family.

Day 10
Start hiking to other direction where you will see a high Valley Called Sala, you can pick up wild berries, the nomadic people make jams by them. This is a great scenery for photographing.  This physically tiring hiking will take a full day. Return in the evening and overnight at the family.

Day 11
Attend a local nomadic festival in the area, such as nomadic wedding ceremony etc, (we will make sure you attend it – please be informed that you will attend to this festival on one of the days of your trip, could be any of them depending on which day where the festival will take place)

MORE TravelnLass:  Scared to Follow Your Dreams?

Day 12
Driver will pick you up and drive northwest to Tsengel Khairkhan Sacred Snow Capped mountain. Your driver will stay there waiting for you and you will hike closer to it, go to the Natural sacred water resource that cures all sicknesses, overnight with a Mongolian family there – stay in the family ger.

Day 13
Hike back to the family where the driver will be waiting for you.  Overnight there.

Start driving back to Olgii, have dinner and enjoy a family concert.  Overnight in Olgii.

Yesiree, I can hear you now – a bit rough, dontcha think, Dy?  I mean for a dodderin’ lass “of a certain age”?  And… OMG  ain’t that an awful lot of time on a HORSE!

Yep, the rigors of the horseback trekking rather daunted me at first as well, but I inquired as to whether there were errr… any other options to so much time in the saddle, and…  Bek swiftly replied:

Yes possible to reduce the horse riding , You can in this case just walk around separating from the group for few days and regroup after few days for the rest of the trip.  (During your separation, we would suggest you to visit some families separately from the group)”

Even better, the price for the two week Eagle Hunter tour is just $750!  ‘Course I still have to fly from Ulaanbaatar to Olgii in western Mongolia, but still… Indeed, the airfare for all this whizzing about comes to nearly $1,600.  Ah, but, it would cost at least TWICE that were I trying to visit Mongolia from Seattle

And for the last 10 days (the Eagle Hunting trek ends on 29 September but I deliberately allowed an extra 10 days to roam “wherever” in Mongolia), I might hop on a short leg of the Trans-Mongolian train (to Choir) or perhaps head north to play with the reindeer.

In any case, I’m doing a great big ol’ woo-hoo happy dance here in Saigon these days.  A bit sad to be leaving my teach job (I really like it, and ILA is a fantastic school), plus the friends I”ve made here in HCMC.  But it’s time to move on.  Have a little adventure, and then settle down in some new corner of Asia.  Upon my return to Saigon in early September, I will have determined where I’ll next call “home”.  Who knows?  I may end up teaching English and milking yaks in Mongolia for a spell!

And finally, for a real treat – checkout the BBC’s video on the Mongolian Eagle Hunters.

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Mary Moss

Thank you…again. I “ordered” Grammar Essentials for Dummies, English Grammar for Dummies and Swan’s Practical English Usage from the local library! And, because I’m of “a certain age” (too bad that url is taken) I might be able to audit “Survey of Modern English Grammar” at the local university on Monday nights for the fall semester. Will get that sorted this week. I will not pay to take a grammar course:-)

Now what would be sweet is if I can get a gig subbing in the local school system while I pay off a few remaining bills. Not sure that I want to jump through the hoops for that one, but won’t know until I give it a try.

Have a blast on your adventure. I’ve booked my “armchair” seat.


@Mary 2 (I thought it best to comment on the grammar separately): Seriously. Don’t, repeat, DO. NOT. sweat the grammar. I did (as do most others), but… suffice a quick review in a grammar book (or the gazillion sites online) is plenty for starters.

Yes, you’ll need to know grammar eventually, but for the CELTA and teaching all but the most advanced learners, you can pick up the mechanics of the Past Simple, Comparatives, etc. on the fly, as you plan your lessons.

Seriously. I worried too. Indeed, DREADED learning/teaching grammar. But ’twas all for naught. It’s easy-peasy to review the basics, and I now (amazingly!) LOVE teaching grammar.

And “$1500” for a grammar class??? That’s just plain CRAZY-TALK! They’re just trying to scare you to get your greenbacks.


@Mary – so glad you’re moving forward with your travel dreams. Yes, I too wavered between the CELTA in Chiang Mai or HCMC. Opted for the latter and glad I did. As I wanted to teach in VN (higher pay, among other reasons), better to take the CELTA in the country you expect to teach/live.

ILA offered me a sweet part-time(my preference) and I’ve been able to get excellent work experience. Indeed, from what I’ve learned of the various ‘n sundry other schools, I can honestly recommend ILA highly (for both the CELTA and teaching.)

Mary Moss

whoops…huge typo. I meant February:-)

Mary Moss

Your trip sounds fantastic. I want to thank you for your email to me. Each day my “yes” to a new life as an expat gets stronger and stronger:-) I’ve spent the last several days comparing CELTA training in HCMC vs Chiang Mai. I’m thinking HCMC is the better option – in November. Here’s hoping that I can pull it all together.

Can you stand another question? Did you take a pre-CELTA grammar class? If no, how did you prep? I tried a search and the only price I could find was about $1500…. and that’s more than I want to spend.



Indeed Ruth, not the least the chance to wear some fleece!

Speaking of which (warm clothes), I just this week discovered the wondrous array of clothing at “Saigon Square” here in Saigon. Woa – Western sizes at Vietnamese prices – yippeee! I nabbed an amazing Northface “3-in-1” hooded jacket (Gortex outer jacket w/ nifty reversible fleece zip out inner jacket) for just… $40!!!

And yes, too – a bit of expat recon in Chiang Mai before heading to Mongolia. Will let you know what I find.


Wow, that’s an epic trip! There is something appealing about that wild and expansive land. I’m sure you’ll love exploring the depths of Mongolia (not least the chance to wear warm weather clothes, ah!) and you will come back with some fabulous tales.

A great idea to tie in a trip to Chiang Mai to weigh up your ‘where next’ options. I look forward to hearing what you think and where you’ll end up next!


@James – oh I shall surely try (to blog) but… Though I’m toting my netbook (as well as my sweet iPod Touch with nifty “Blog Press” app), suffice this trip may prove tough to connect (much less peck a post by torch after milking the yak). So I’ve got a whole new “Catching Up” series of posts (on my adventures skipping ’round South Africa and Mozambique back in ’04) waiting in the wings, so at least my loyal TL followers will have some crumbs to read.


Horses and eagles and yaks, oh my! Sounds like an amazing trip. Blog please!


Yup, gonna be quite the no-shower marathon (I’ll be lucky to shower twice in 3 weeks!) And yes, no doubt quite chilly at night (even/especially in the Gobi desert). But at least August is “summer” in Mongolia, and trust that I’ve got my beloved silk-longjohns plus a wool turtleneck and socks packed. Can’t WAIT to don my fleece jacket! (and today, I’m off to scour the 2nd-hand expat shops here in Saigon for hopefully, a down vest. That only leaves… gloves and one of those floppy fur Mongolian hats (which I’m sure I can pick up for a song in Ulaabaatar)!

Gail Kruger Snyder

Wow, you’re in for a true adventure – dress warm! 😉

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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