Europe Traveling Across the Pond to Europe

Published on May 26th, 2024


Back Across the Pond…

Months of “waffle, Waffle, WAFFLE”…

As some of you know, I’ve recently been a good bit waffly about where on the globe I want to head next.

For weeks it was Argentina (primarily Patagonia, but also Iguazu Falls of course, along w/ a dip into Uruguay). But for whatever reasons my interest in that travel target began to dim.

For a brief week, the next holy-grail switched to (a short, 100 mile) amble along the Camino de Santiago trail until… my dodderin’ knees (after a mere 3 mile skip here along the gurgling Rio Tomebamba) rudely suggested otherwise.

Pushkar Camel Festival © Jatin Manawat

© Jatin Manawat

Then (for a nano-second) I toyed w/ the notion of tossing a boatload of Benjamins at that lonely (frigid!) continent at the tippy-bottom of the globe (Antarctica). But that idea likewise soon waned when I considered… just how freekin’ COLD I was gonna be whilst sailing across the (dreaded) Drake Passage.

Next… a renewed surge to “someday” witness the annual Camel Festival in Pushkar, India rose up again on my travel radar – plus… Learning that the wee land of Bhutan had suddenly decreased their uber-pricey daily $200 visa fee by half – why not also drop into Bhutan for a spell as long as I’m back in Asia?

In short, waffle, Waffle, WAFFLE…

Until – Finally a PLAN!

Indeed. none of the above adventures tickled my (admittedly fickle) travel toes, and I was beginning to fear that this lifelong wanderlust might have somehow lost her travel mojo permanently (gasp!)

Until… (whew!) I settled on a mixed trio of old/new destinations that have managed to grab my (sustained) attention for several months now. Indeed, three corners of the globe that have me once again giddily doing the two travel activities I like best: buying air tickets and diving deep into pre-trip Reeeesearch.

So “Where on Earth…???” you may ask? Come September/October, the TL’s next Travel Trifecta shall be:

1. The Land of Shamrocks and Leprechauns: IRELAND. A country I’d somehow put-off visiting on my many skips around Europe over the years. And one that (after gobs of research) I’m now eager to explore/soak up with my own two baby-blues.

2. And of course while I was at it, may as well route myself through LONDON and see what that fair city is up to these days (since my long-ago last visit w/ my two dds waaay back in the late 70’s).

3. And finally, as I was fiddling w/ my research on London – it suddenly dawned on me… That uber-whizzy train UNDER the English Channel – the Eurostar! Shoot, in a matter of 2 measly hours – I could easily drop into another new country for a quick look at BELGIUM!

So that’s the “Plan”. I already locked-in my air way back in March: Ecuador -> London $1030 rt. (now it’s up to $1,429!) and London -> Dublin $170 rt. – along with my speedy Eurostar train, London -> Brussels ($156 rt.) Plus all of my hotels are likewise now lined up (all, prudently chosen w/ free cancellation until the last minute, natch!) So now, it’s just a matter of researching the dizzying array of things to see, do, and EAT in London, Belgium and Ireland.

Oh My the OPTIONS!!!

As I said earlier, I’ve been to London before and thus have already visited most all of the usual “must sees” of the city (e.g. Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, etc.). Plus, my travel interests have changed quite a lot over the years, so for this London redux, my priorities are a mix of those fabulous West End plays, along with an assortment of more quirky attractions.

First up a generous handful of live theater: No less than THREE West End productions (oh so much more economical than Broadway): “Hamilton “(£103), “Matilda” (£70), and Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap” (£37.50 – a London favorite that’s been running continuously for 70+ YEARS!). Plus a ticket to the new “ABBA Voyage” concert (£57.95)

And for the remainder of my precious time in London? Trust that all remains completely open to whim. No way will I buy into what seems to be the new “travel style” these days: nailing down every. blessed. moment. with a cookie-cutter assortment of “GetYourGuide” and “Skip the Line” tours – all set in advance-ticketed STONE… before your plane’s wheels even touch down on the tarmac in London!

Rather, I’ve (happily!) researched my BRAINS out on all manner of what I might like to see, do and eat over my 10 days/9 nights in the British capital, so that I know what my OPTIONS are. BUT… nothing is set in concrete, and all will remain open until my feet are on the ground and I can better judge A. the weather, B. my energy and mood, and C. what ELSE the magic of serendipity might toss my way. Always, always plenty of wiggle room in my itinerary for last-moment opportunities or chance discoveries.

Nonetheless – a sample assortment of some of the things I hope to do in London:

  • a posh “Afternoon Tea” somewhere of course – I’m presently waffling between THIS one (“Chinese Whispers”) and THIS one (“Art Masters”) – which do YOU think I should do?
  • Plus a traditional British “Sunday Roast” dinner (w/ classic “Yorkshire pudding” and all the trimmings). For the latter, I plan to tuck into it at one of the many London “pubs” of course, and I’m presently favoring “The Mayflower” pub in south London. Yes, THAT “Mayflower” – apparently the legendary pilgrim ship actually tied-up at the dock in front of the pub – before it set sail for “America”.
  • A “Banksy” exhibit, along with a peek into the British Museum and the Tate Modern. Plus  (at least a stroll by…) Shakespeare’s famous “Globe” theater along the Thames.
  • Possibly… given my life-long penchant for all manner of cryptic codes, clues and geocaches “hidden in plain sight” – a day trip to Bletchley Park – the secret center of Allied code-breaking during the Second World War.
  • And (along the same “treasure hunting” fixation lines) my London research unearthed a fascinating (albeit muddy!) pastime I’d never before heard of: “mudlarking” – tromping along the mucky shores of the Thames at low tide, in search of stray bits of… who knows what? Bits of 16th century clay pipes, pottery shards – perhaps even an encrusted Roman coin! Apparently (not surprisingly) you need a permit for such in central London, but there is (a single) heritage organization that offers stray mudlarking tours – and with any luck – this once avid geoduck clam hunter on Puget Sound is hoping to don galoshes (a.k.a. “Wellies” in England) and give mudlarking a try!
  • Oh and one thing I DEFINITELY don’t want to miss – yet another quirky find in London that’s (blessedly) not on the GetYourGuide/Skip the Line agenda: “The Chewing Gum Man”. Purely fascinating – see all the details here:



Btw, I have to say… early in my London research, when I was looking for a hotel – I ended up with a sweet private room in East London for just £50/nt. (~$63) – a STEAL for sleeps in London! But even better, I later learned that my hotel is just steps away from the iconic “Brick Lane” – among THE most favored neighborhoods for foodies plus – oodles of vintage clothing shops (my FAVE!) and tons of street art (incl. an original Banksy or two)!

In short, I’ve presently got (waaaay too many!) pins on my initial Google Map of what-all I (might!) like to do/see/eat in London…

Google Map of London Travel Points

And that’s only London! – Next up BELGIUM!

Hopping on the Eurostar train and traveling 220+ feet BENEATH the watery English Channel – I only have 3 days in Belgium (2 nts. Bruges plus 1 nt. Brussels), but trust that I intend to make the most of every moment.

The tinkling “Mannekin Pis” lad (and nearby his lass counterpart the “Jeanneke Pis”).

In (tiny) Bruges it will be pretty much just leisurely wandering around this uber-“Gram”-able, Venice-esque corner of the globe. No doubt I’ll take the requisite canal boat trip and likely a free (w/ tip) food tour. Plus might rent a bicycle to pedal out to a handful of windmills. And though I’m not much of a drinker – when in Belgium, after all – you might just find me at a beer tasting at THIS place (w/ an outdoor patio on the canal and more than TWO THOUSAND different beers to sample!

And for my single day in Brussels? Apparently Brussels is officially considered to be the “Heart of Europe” (as it’s the official seat of the European Union, as well as the headquarters of NATO) and is chock-full of stunning art nouveau architecture.

But my time there will be so very brief, I’ll pretty much only have time for a 24 hr. aimless amble – a peek at the famous “Manneken Pis” of course, but otherwise – simply stuffing my face with the many famous Belgium foods: steaming bowls of “moules” (mussels), newspaper cones of fluffy-crispy “frites” (Belgium is noted for it’s – “French” NOT! – fries), and plenty of those famous Belgian waffles (two different kinds: “Brussels” vs. “Leige”). Oh and… Belgium CHOCOLATE of course!

And Finally – a Spin Around IRELAND!

London and Belgium will eat up nearly 2 weeks – but (happily) I’ll still have 11 days to hop around Ireland. Indeed, this entire trip was instigated – not by London or Belgium. But by a happenstance of learning that there’s a FOOD FESTIVAL in Dingle, Ireland in early October. AIS, I’d put off visiting the Emerald Isle in my earlier travels around Europe, but I’d always been curious about the Dingle Peninsula in particular (I’d heard is was stunning for gentle hiking). And of course… a “Food Festival” – was all I needed to push me over the edge and scoot Ireland to the top of my “Gotta Go!” list.

And so it was. Or rather, so it shall be come October. After a few days in Belgium, I return to London for two final nights, and then hop on a British Airways flight to Dublin!

That scrumptious Food Festival in Dingle (including cooking demos, workshops, and the all important “Taste Trail” offering a choice of more than 50 small dishes including crayfish risotto arancini, creamy mussels, deep fried mars bar, seafood chowder, Stout and Irish cream fudge, uber fresh Dingle oysters, and more) is tops on my Ireland agenda, and I’ll spend 3 nts. there. lol – likewise walking off some of those calories on a couple of easy-on-the-knees hikes along that “stunning” seaside Dingle Peninsula. 🤣

And as if that Irish “foodie” event wasn’t enough – I learned that there’s also an OYSTER Festival in Galway in early October. So um… needless to say, I’ve penciled in 2 nts. there and plan to merrily shovel a gazillion oysters – freshly fetched from the icy-cold Irish Atlantic – into my pie-hole.

I’ve also got reservations for 2 nts. in the wee town of “Doolin” on the coast – the perfect “base” for an amble along the legendary “Cliffs of Moher” (likely w/ a picnic lunch of Irish deli foods along the way). Plus – depending on the weather in October, hopefully a ferry out to one of the Aran Islands: Inis Mór, Inis Meáin, or Inis Oírr. The remainder of my time I’ll explore Ireland’s capital of course (Dublin) – to get a peek at the legendary “Book of Kells” lovingly preserved at Trinity College, take in some Irish dancing (think: Riverdance), and – apparently (like London) there’s a boatload of vintage clothing stores (didimention, my F.A.V.E.?) in Dublin – yay!

Which… (speaking of boatloads of vintage clothing) neatly segues to the final component of this, my latest travel adventure plan.

My New Travel Kit ‘n Kaboodle

2024 Full (carry-0n) Travel KitSince (sadly) bidding adieu to my (15 years and umpteen countries) beloved “Ms. Purple” convertible carry-on rollie bag (in THIS post), I’ve necessarily completely revamped my (always, always, carry-on only) travel kit. At first I had to make do (for my Mexico trip & my Quito trip) w/ an ordinary carry-on rollie (sans the handy convertible backpack straps of Ms. Purple). But then – by some miracle, at the absolute last moment before boarding my flight back to Cuenca – pure serendipity led me to a most handsome new CONVERTIBLE rollie at the Quito airport.

Perfectly sized to meet even the most stringent European airlines’ carry-on size limits – i.e. 20” x 14” x 10” (50cm x 35cm x 22cm), I’ve now matched it up with a likewise new diminutive, under-seat “Personal Bag”. Together, I’m good for most any airlines’ baggage limits. Um… as long as I don’t overload the weight (10 kgs/22 lbs) with new vintage duds (not to mention luscious Irish woolens) in London and Dublin!  😮

And with that (lol, more than 2,000 mots later) – I’m fully ready for what promises to be a most diverse and eclectic new travel adventure.

Look out London, Belgium and Ireland…

The TravelnLass is headed your way!





P. S. New here and curious who I am?  Check my bio to learn more!  Better yet, subscribe to my email list (so you never miss a single post) and get a pdf of my 30+ Best Travel Tips (trust me, at least one is sure to be a revelation).


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About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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This looks like such a great trip! So excited to hear more about the adventures!


I have been following you for years as my inspiration for travel’in solo as a woman of a certain age (like me). So happy that you are going on another big trip. Love the quirky travel ideas that come from your research and the stories that come after the trip! My travel tip is take warm bedroom slippers when traveling in UK in October if you do not want to have cold feet when trotting off to the loo. Looking forward to more trip stories. Wishing you safe and happy travels.


Hi Dyanne, sounds fun, but expensive. Did a bit of the CDS a decade ago, but dumped it in favor of real trails in the Basque Mountains.

Was in London and the Isle of Man, now I am back in Pamplona, Spain. September off to Skopje, North Macedonia and will spend winter in Agadir, Morocco where is it nice and warm 🙂

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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