Finally… a Blast-off Date: 1 Oct. 2011
O.k. there’s no more wiggle room now… I’ve finally bite-bullet and set a blast-off date. I’d originally hoped to blow this dear U.S. of A. popsicle stand by July 1st, but…
- Turns out that’s pretty much the heart of the monsoon season in Asia, and I thought it best to uh, not start off by getting swept out into the South China Sea on my first day in Vietnam.
- Just waaaaay too many loose ends to tie up in little more than 4 months. Seriously, it’s all a good bit overwhelming. Having to sell most everything including my car, researching and setting up a mail forwarding service (more on that in another post), ditto travel insurance, finding a good home for my dear kitty Luna, arranging a storage locker (and figuring out what stays and how to fit it all in!), immunizations, banking issues, plus getting visas, copies of my college transcripts, a police background check (for a work permit in VN) – the list goes on and on. In short, trust that moving lock, stock ‘n barrel overseas, isn’t at all like slapping on a backpack and hopping on a plane for a 3 week vacation.
Thus I’ve opted to be prudent and push my ETD out a bit. But it’s now official: I WILL be heading for that g-forsaken rice paddy in Southeast Asia come October 1, 2011!
Sounds like a good bit of time to get all that done. Get to it! 🙂