
Published on November 12th, 2013


Making Lemonade Out of Lemons: To MYANMAR!


O.k. so – I’ve definitely had Myanmar (formerly Burma) on my radar for awhile now. Indeed, so intriguing and so recently open to foreign visitors, plus pretty much the last Asian country on my bucket list that I’ve not yet visited. I mean, I can hardly leave Asia behind (in favor of possibly expating on a different continent) without exploring the mysteries of Myanmar, now can I?

And though I’d not planned to make a trip there so soon after Nepal and Borneo – suffice that…

The recent Pissy Thai Consul fiasco prompted (err, forced?) me to buy an onward air ticket out of Thailand when my present 30 day VOA runs out at the end of this month. A one way ticket to ANYWHERE, just to prove that I planned to dance my sweet bum out of the Land of Smiles by the 29th, so…

Swiftly checking airfares from Bangkok, suffice – a mere $46 to Yangon just seemed like a perfect idea. Why not thought I? Why not turn these acky Thai visa lemons into Myanmar LEMONADE?

So that’s precisely what I’ve done. On the 28th (coincidentally, Thanksgiving Day in my native land – wonder if I can unearth a bit of turkey and some pumpkin pie in Myanmar – yeah, right) I fly to Yangon. I’m presently roughing out an itinerary (am thinking about 18 days ought to do it for what I want to see) and I’m now getting quite excited to finally see for myself what the mysterious land of Myanmar is all about.


Yi Peng Festival – a gazillion twinkly lanterns floating up, up, and away…



Meanwhile, there’s the legendary Yi Peng lantern festival here in Chiang Mai on the 16th – which should prove magical.  Am heading out with a boatload of local couchsurfers, and will of course, peck a TL post about it.

Plus I STILL have plenty of stray tales to tell about my adventures in Nepal and Borneo. So do stay tuned whilst I catch up…

About the Author

Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion,and I’ve always lived life “like-a-kid-in-a-candy-store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been: This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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Martha Sander

Hi Dyanne! I loved your blog, it’s definitely a piece of inspiration. About Myanmar, aside of being careful with the fake monk scam (!!!) I recommend the pancakes in Inle Lake, the Shan noodles (as well as the coconut noodles) in a tea shop in Mandalay. We tried Top Choice and the noodles were really good there. Aside from food, I really enjoyed Maha Myat Muny Pagoda in Mandalay. The I met this boy that actually wanted to practice English. People there are very interested on the tourist, so you will feel the reciprocity and the opportunity of meaningful interactions. ENJOY!

Ruth Elisabeth

Ah Loi Krathong festival, brings back some good memories from my fresh off the boat (well, plane) days. Have fun!

What a perfect chance to visit a new place! Yay, lemonade! I looked at squishing Myanmar/Burma in before I left but it just didn’t fit. So I can’t wait to hear about it!


Both Myanmar and the lantern festival sound amazing. I am looking forward to the next time I get to exercise my passport. It is starting to get dusty.


Details, details. I have been home from Rio for days. No plans for the passport until March.

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    Off-the-beaten-path travel is my passion, and I’ve always lived life “like a kid in a candy store” – eager to sample as many flavors as I can. Indeed, my life motto has long been:

    This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!

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