Missing Kids 404 Page (milk cartons have gone digital)
I just love it when the collective wisdom of the globe comes up with a no-brainer, win-win notion. A most ingenious use of those ubiquitous 404 (File Not Found) pages that otherwise are pretty useless.
Thanks to a site dubbed NotFound.org, we all now have a means of turning digital lemons into real-world lemonade. According to the European-based NotFound.org website:
“The HTTP 404 is the error that you see when a link is broken, or you navigated to web page that just isn’t there. It happens, and it’s one of the most common error pages you see.
Why not turn that into something that benefits the world? The more eyes that see a missing child, the more likely someone could be found.” |
Why not? Indeed!
Now, should you somehow find yourself lost and bereft in some empty corner of our beloved WWW – instead of the boring ol’ standard vanilla 404 Error page like this:
Or even something adorable like this:

Now, should you lose your way on the digital super highway, you might just find yourself staring at something more like this:
A random pic of a missing child somewhere in the world. A gentle heads-up – much like the milk-carton messages of old. The more eyeballs the merrier.
Indeed, g-forbid one of TravelnLass’ many page links should become wonky. But leastwise now, I’ve turned TravelnLass into a small milk carton of its own (by installing a simple little WordPress app). The way I figure it, why not we all make a little lemonade here, and use wonky 404 Page Not Founds to help… uh, FIND a missing child?
Try it yourself here now – click this WONKY TravelnLass LINK to see how it works, right here, right now.
Seems like a brilliant no-brainer to me, no?
That’s a really good idea. I don’t use WP, but could whip up some code for my blog script (when I get back). Thanks for the post about it Dyanne.
Yes Ted, I’d hoped that my WOW post would likewise inspire those with a blog/website to join in by installing the NotFound.org code. As I said, a win-win notion, and the more eyeballs the merrier. Who knows? If it leads to finding just one missing child, it will well be worth the small technical effort.
“If it leads to finding just one missing child, it will well be worth the small technical effort” – I agree.