PORTFOLIO – Dyanne Kruger

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For more than 30 years now – when it comes to my passions – photography has been second only to my travels (and happily, the latter verily BEGS for a large dose of the former, no?) As a dodderin’ lass, I of course started with the archaic technology of F.I.L.M. And yup – long before smartphones and selfie-sticks – I was fortunate to learn the mechanics of photography MANUALLY from the ground up. Shoot, I was even playing with experimental photography by manually releasing the film sprockets on my Pentax LX in order to prevent the film from advancing so I could take double exposures like THIS –>
Indeed, when digital cameras first came out, I (like many of my fellow film ‘togs at the time) pretty much only came to digital, kicking and screaming. Ah but ’tis now the 21st century after all, and few can argue that we’d all be better off with pinhole cameras and bitumen-coated glass plates. 😉
These digital halls of TravelnLass have been around for more than 8 years now. And what with nearly *500* TL posts here speckled with a couple few thousand images that I’ve personally snapped across 50 different countries, I figure it’s high time I cobbled together a professional portfolio. Of course you can see every blessed TravelnLass pic on my handy-dandy “Image Wall” page (where they’re all linked each to their respective TL post). But I’ve finally narrowed them all down to a handful of my personal favorites, and divided them up into a nice, neat portfolio of three categories: Food, Travel, and Portraits.
Hope you enjoy the show!